Hillary Pillory

Started by Diane Amberg, November 29, 2007, 10:13:41 AM

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Diane Amberg

It is very obvious that most of you do not like Hillary at all. Can you give me some reasons why? I know most of you are Republican, but it has to be more than that. What about her politics do you dislike? I'm not a Hillary fan, but not because of her particular female character. I know publicly she is not a warm fuzzy person, but should our president be warm and approachable, or for the world's eyes, strong and solid. We have another 12 months to put up with the worsening slash and burn tactics on all sides, but eventually we will have to choose between the primary winners. Do you think she will win the Democratic primary?

W. Gray

So far, the silence is deafening and I am not going to comment. Do you suppose that if she does receive the nomination, and if someone asks her, she would make a pledge never to lie while under oath?


Has anyone seen the new just in time for Christmas product (no kidding) called the Hillary Nut Cracker?

It is a standard nutcracker with Hillary in a pants suit.

The nut is placed between her stainless steel inner thighs.

Applying pressure to both her legs cracks the nut.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Judy Harder

I had to think hard about this........but, I don't trust what she says, nor
what she does.

Think of her when she was just the presidents wife...
And, I am not Republican.....yep here in Kansas  I am in
the minority.

I vote the person, not the party when it comes down to the vote.

so far, I don't really care for any of the ones I see running. Good thing we still have a year to
make up my (our) minds.

I am afraid this topic might get a little rough. But, lets hope we all can weather it.
God Help us all.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

I'm one of those purple people, registered independent. I really am interested in how people think and feel about Hillary. I won't be voting in any primary, so I'll keep watching to see how they all speak on their issues, even though most of it is baloney. When they are out and about they are so controlled by their "handlers" that they can't speak their mind anyway. It will be interesting to watch.


Waldo, her husband took the oath never to lie, and based on his interpretation of what constitutes ----------------, I guess he didn't.


I didn't know what a purple person was for a minute there and it threw me.   :-[
As for Mrs. Clinton, I guess I just don't like her because she doesn't seem genuine to me. When I've seen her in interviews, it always seems like a "show" and I don't feel sincerity from her ~ as if she says what her audience wants to hear.  Also, I think a person, even a woman ;), can be strong without being hard, and I don't see that quality in her.
I'm registered as Republican because I have less aversion to them than to others.  I guess I should really switch to Independent (as long as my folks never find out!  HA!)
I do vote for a person according to whom I like, not according to political party; and unless there's someone running I strongly do or don't want to win, I usually skip the primaries because I normally don't feel like I have enough information at that time to make a good choice.
It is frustrating to me that we can't depend on the "real news" channels to provide unbiased information.  You hear horror stories about a candidate and then find out it was total bunk the next week.  I  think I understand why so many people don't vote ~ I often feel like I'm only voting for the person I don't like the least.

Bonnie M.

I've learned, never argue about politics or religion!  I'm not one who likes "discord."  I am a conservative, therefore I have conservative belief's.  I could list those belief's one by one, but it's not hard to understand what being a conservative means.  "I am what I am!"

Jo McDonald

I was raised a Democrat, and later in life have bounced back and forth ---and now a registered Republican.   I have had strong thoughts about becoming an independent.  Do I like Hillary Clinton?  No.  Would I ever vote for her?  No.  Do I believe any of her motives for wanting to become President of our Great country?  No.  Reason..........My gut feeling.  When Bill Clinton was caught in the act .. ( I voted for him ) and she was so condescending - and so phony about it - and now when you see and hear him on shows like Larry King live, and he is so brow beat and bowing down to her and actually, the times I have seen him, it seems very apparent to me that even he doesn't like her and probably would not put his X on the ballot, if he is allowed to vote, without her standing next to him.  I truly think she is a WITCH .  She has never given a straight answer to any of the questions and when I never see their daughter on any network, speaking out for her Mother - it tells me very strongly -- She is NOT what we need as our President.
  The greatest freedom of all that we have as  Americans........ our Right to vote.


She ain't got no class!!! It was obvious from the get go when she was supposed to be getting together a workable health care plan for the U.S., that this was only a power move. I am astounded that she is only about Hillary and thinks she is pulling the wool over everyones' eyes. I am a registered democrat, but vote my consience in all elections. I try to stay informed, although it is indeed difficult.  O'Bama frightens me a little, I would like to know a little more about him, not just his blurbs.


Bill lied about Monica and George lied about weapons of mass destrution!  Don't know what to do.  I don't believe any of them are for the normal working person.  I do believe the economy was somewhat better under the last Democrat President than it is today.

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