West Elk schools

Started by jpbill, February 06, 2006, 01:21:39 PM

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I am very surprised there are no posts concerning the possibilities of future changes in the West Elk schools due to declining enrollment.  Since I don't live in the area any more, I don't know what the general feelings are on this subject.  Would those who have an opinion on this subject step up and voice your opinion.

Boy do we need Waldo's Barber Shop back.  There would be plenty of opinions being tossed around there.



Quote from: jpbill on February 06, 2006, 01:21:39 PM

Boy do we need Waldo's Barber Shop back.  There would be plenty of opinions being tossed around there.


Ohhhh you got that part right, Bill....
There would be "wearing your hip boots" talk there.. :D
But seriously.. this is a good discussion topic...
It is scary to think what the impact on Howard would be without the school being here.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


A school board meeting to discuss all of this was held in January - more information about that meeting is listed in Events here on the Forum.

The next school board meeting is Feb. 13th - at 7:30 pm at the district office.

I've been attending the meetings for several months. Wish more people would show up. ;)


I am sure that more people would show up if all of the decisions were not made in "executive session"
I hate the fact that the meetings cannot be run in the open.


Quote from: SnakeHater on February 06, 2006, 02:56:39 PM
I am sure that more people would show up if all of the decisions were not made in "executive session"
I hate the fact that the meetings cannot be run in the open.

Why do you think that is? I mean.. all the behind the door decisions?...
I can understand if it is about a teacher and student problem and the parents or the teacher are in the room..
but why the exective meetings when it should be a public fully open agenda.
We ARE the ones paying the taxes and it is OUR lives that it affects.
So.. i ask once again...
Why do you think it is that way? ???
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Having been to several meetings . . .

Decisions are NOT made in executive session, but personnel issued are discussed then.

The school board does a lot of voting with the public still there. The votes are also announced, as in 7-0 or 5-2 or whatever.

Students from West Elk's government class attend the meetings. Join them, join me, at the next meeting. See what happens.

To get on the agenda (to talk to the school board), you need to call the district office (374-2113) by Friday before the Monday meeting.

I just go and watch. The board usually takes a break mid-way through the evening. That's a good chance to talk to the individual members. Most of them are also there before the meeting, to talk with.

I usually do not stay through the executive session, unless they're talking about someone I'm interested in. Having stayed a couple of times, though, I do know they come back into open meeting and vote, in open session, on the issues discussed in executive session.

Sometimes they announce, "We're hiring so-and-so" and sometimes they say something like "We approve the transfer of all the students on the list."

The Board Office has room for about 2 dozen visitors. It would be nice if, while they're talking about declining enrollment options, the seats were filled enough the Board had to meet in a different location.


Hope that doesn't sound like a "rant" - I just want more people attending the meetings!  :)


And you are so right.
Most people .. And I am just as guilty as the rest.. Prefer to gripe about what is going on..
Think that we have all the answers and are quick to say, "Well, if they would do this or that, then it would be better"

I went to some of the board meetings when my kids were in school.
To be honest, no matter what anyone said or suggested, it was pretty much ignored and they went ahead and did what they had usually planned BEFORE the meeting ever took place.
I was pretty disillusioned, and several times just down right mad. They said that they wanted people there, but when you were there, you were pretty much made to feel like you needed to set down and be still. ..because your opinion didn't count too much.

I am sure that things have changed since then. I would hope so. But I haven't been back since those times.. About 10 years ago.
With Ashley becoming school age, maybe I should go and set in on a few meetings just to see....

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


They sometimes still have a "group" attitude - but right now the opinions of the members are so diverse, there are some good discussions. Votes are definitely not all 7-0.

I don't like all their decisions, but I know I don't want to be in their shoes.  ;)

Attending is also a great way to find out who to vote for when election time comes around.  :)

I think we have to pick our involvements. I've not been, for instance, to any of the city council meetings. I attended a few county commission meetings a couple of years ago.

We can't be all places at all times.

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