What´s your opinion in Howard?

Started by michael_glenn, November 20, 2007, 06:36:01 AM

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Roma Jean Turner

Wow.  If the German people could speak to us as candidly as you are, what would they say to us?  It's obvious they would want to do business with us, but would they prefer we just close our bases in Europe and the mid East and stay totally out of it all?  Do they feel they have a good relationship with the mid East?  Thanks for letting me pick your brain.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on December 04, 2007, 12:11:46 PM
Wow.  If the German people could speak to us as candidly as you are, what would they say to us?  It's obvious they would want to do business with us, but would they prefer we just close our bases in Europe and the mid East and stay totally out of it all?  Do they feel they have a good relationship with the mid East?  Thanks for letting me pick your brain.

The businessmen in directly neighborhood to US-bases prefer the money.

Sorry, but the most Germans don´t like US-bases in Germany or Europe, they are talking about american imperialism and not about american protection.

Their opinion is - it´s more dangerous to live a life in neighborhood to us-weapons as in neighborhood with islamic fundamentalists.

...and Muslims can buy also a Mercedes, a BMW or a Porsche.

Germany, Italy, France or Russia are big trading partner of the mid East, before...during and after Saddam´s rule.

...show germany´s tradingpartner in the mid East.


...and the war in iraq canceled a wonderful german profit in this area.
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


irans greatest tradingpartners/Imports - partners:   
Germany 12%, China 10.5%, UAE 9.4%, France 5.6%, Italy 5.4%, South Korea 5.4%, Russia 4.5% (2006) 

syrias greatest tradingspartners/Imports - partners:   
Saudi Arabia 12.3%, China 7.9%, Egypt .2%, UAE 6%, Italy 4.9%, Ukraine 4.8%, Germany 4.7%, Iran 4.5% (2006) 

turkey Imports - partners:   
Russia 12.8%, Germany 10.6%, China 6.9%, Italy 6.2%, France 5.2%, US 4.5%, Iran 4% (2006) 

afghanistan imports-partners:
Pakistan 37.5%, US 11.9%, Germany 7.1%, India 5.1% (2006)

united arab emirates/Imports - partners:   
US 11.5%, China 11%, India 9.9%, Germany 6.2%, Japan 5.8%, UK 5.6%, France 4.1%, Italy 4% (2006) 

jordan/Imports - partners:   
Saudi Arabia 23.2%, Germany 8.2%, China 8%, US 5.3% (2006) 

saudia/Imports - partners:   
US 12.3%, Germany 8.6%, China 8%, Japan 7.3%, UK 4.9%, Italy 4.8%, South Korea 4.1% (2006) 

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.

Diane Amberg

Wilma, if the appeal is accepted, the mother and child will be sent home to Mexico as soon as the little girl is finished her rehab. If the appeal fails, the mother will be deported very soon, without the daughter. Then the daughter will be sent home when she is medically safe to travel and her rehab. is complete


Quote from: flo on November 29, 2007, 02:13:08 PM
a foreign country is bashing Ameria - so what's new??? ::)

...that´s not new- especially for europeans.

New is the fact, to lead a happy and absolutely comfortable life with Uncle Sam´s Dollars and Uncle Sam´s protection and fighting against American principles to the same time.
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 30, 2007, 06:20:30 PM
Perhaps Mike can answer this too.  I know it is "fashionable" to be anti American in some countries, but a great many people speak English and like American TV.  Is it us they don't care for, or is it American politics?  I meet foreign exchange students quite often and they don't sound so anti American. But then again, they are here.

English is the most important language in the world, also for the economy- since hundreds of years ago.

I guess that students are not very stupid persons - they know very well the rules of a nice conversation in a foreign country.

...easy fishing for compliments.

It´s cheaper to buy american soap operas instead to produce their own in germany.

American politics is just a piece of the german anti-americanism cake, but it´s the piece with the whipped cream.
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Quote from: Teresa on December 03, 2007, 10:18:06 AM
Since you threw the question out there.. What do YOU think?

Europe or better the European Union is grown up to a strong and powerful region.

Some day they will have the european constitution , european laws, the european police department like FBI, the european secret service, the european military and the european president.

...and the strongest and most powerful voters in this community may be the states with the strongest anti-americanism, like france, germany, italy etc..

Today they are not stronger as the voting of a small country like Malta, Luxembourg or economical weaker regions like Poland or Sweden, but they have the power to change that soon as possible.

Money makes the world go ´round...
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Contradictions ???



Schämt euch, Deutsche und Amerikaner!

© SHAWN THEW/DPA Ihn und seine Regierung halten viele Deutsche für gefährlicher als den Iran: US-Präsident Bush
Ein Kommentar von Katja Gloger, Washington

Eine Mehrheit der Deutschen hat größere Angst vor den USA als vor dem Iran. Dies ist erschreckend, aber nicht überraschend. Und diese Haltung wird sich nicht mehr ändern, solange Präsident Bush im Amt ist. Aber schämen müssen sich beide - Deutsche und Amerikaner.

Erinnern Sie sich noch? Damals, im Februar 2005, eine Ewigkeit ist es her. Da reiste der kurz zuvor durchaus demokratisch wiedergewählte US-Präsident George W. Bush nach Europa. Machte brav Aufwartung in Brüssel. Traf sich im weiträumig von Normalbürgern abgesperrten grau-kalten Mainz sogar mit dem von ihm so verachteten Kanzler Schröder und beschwor Gemeinsamkeiten. Gemeinsame Werte, gemeinsame Herausforderungen, na ja, Sie wissen schon...

Article in Stern Magazin Mar 2007 about poll results :

For the most Germans is the USA more dangerous than the Iran.

...but they are not scared enough to make a good business deal in the USA:



Not excellent but good business results for german automotive producer in the USA in spring 2007.

...you can find hundreds of thousands german blogs, websites, newspaper articles and something else above the stupid Americans, their criminal economy, their death penalty, their conspiracies and much more.

...but there is no problem in Germany to hold strong bands of friendship and Trading-Partnership between China, Iran or Russia. :)

Germany´s ex-chancellor Gerd Schroeder was very angry during his chancellorship about the activities and the engagement of the Bush-family or their crew members like Mr. Cheney in several American Oil Companies, today he is one of the leading Top-Manager for the Russian Gasprom Company, his chief is Mr. Putin. :)


...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.

W. Gray

You mentioned above that California was your home state and it seems you want to come back but have no American experience and you are not a millionaire.

What if you won the German Lotto tomorrow?

Then you announce you are moving your family to California.

What would your wife say to you?
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


>>What if you won the German Lotto tomorrow?<<

Pretty nice tought, but only with three right numbers (estimate 15.- Euros) the possibilities are a little bit restricted.:-)

>>Then you announce you are moving your family to California.

What would your wife say to you?<<

My wife and my kids are loving California, Arizona and Nevada - these states we have visited during several vacancies.
It´s planned from me and my wifes side - since a long time ago - to move some day to the USA.
The main problem is - to make my dream come true within the next 24 h  :) - she owns a good running tax advisior bureau.

I don´t like the idea, that I have to wait with my plans if she is staying in retirement. :)

I like to buy a house in the States as second residence and to stay there saisonal...at first.

my  family ? ...they love this plan too...but they are not stupid...if daddy owns a house in the states, he´s staying not longer in germany as necessary :D

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.

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