What´s your opinion in Howard?

Started by michael_glenn, November 20, 2007, 06:36:01 AM

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Diane Amberg

Here's another one to chew on. Last June, an illegal woman, who has been here for about three years, J-walked against a traffic light, (dark, nowhere near a cross walk),  across US 40 about 10 miles from here. She and her two little kids were hit by a truck. Her injuries weren't too bad, the baby in the stroller was killed outright and the slightly older daughter survived, with terrible head and spinal injuries. She has been in the A.I. du Pont Hospital for children ever since. (No charge if you can't pay.) The mom was arrested on a number of charges and is scheduled for deportation soon. The Docs have asked that her deportation be delayed for now, because the little girl has many months of rehab. ahead of her. They don't think separating the mother from the child is in the child's best interests right now. This all hit the papers and has resulted in some interesting reactions from the public. A decision has not yet been made. What do you think?


Since you threw the question out there.. What do YOU think?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Personally, I would like to see the mom stay until the rehab is completed and the child has recovered as much as she can. After that, they go back to Mexico. She won't be paying any medical bills anyway so its not a matter of money. She has been staying at the Ronald Mc Donald House across the road from the hospital. People have raised money for them.  When it is safe to discharge the little girl from the hospital, send them back.


Isn't that what the law requires?  I always thought that illegal immigrants were supposed to be deported back to their country by law.

Diane Amberg

If the doctors hadn't begged for an appeal, the Mom would have been deported very soon, separated from her daughter, who wouldn't go for medical reasons. The little girl would be here in rehab. for many months alone, without her mom. The mom has already served some time in jail.


So as soon as the child is able they will be deported?


"Mike, I am curious as to how you stayed in Germany."

...pure destiny, not more not less.
My mom immigrated into the States in the year 1958 and married my father in Denver/Colorado two years later.
The relationship between my parents was very difficult and they were divorced in L.A./CA in 1965.
She went back to germany with me , because my dad threatened her, to make a life everywhere in the US impossible.
We never lost the bindings to family members or friends in the USA, but she never started a new try for living in the States.

There was never for me the question - Europe or USA, just the question: " When I´m coming back and where is the ideal place for an American without greater life experiences in the USA?" :)

Okay, California is my regular Homestate and I love it, but I´m not a millionaire. ;D

"I was stationed for three years at Heidelberg in the sixties. Although your situation appears different, I recall there was a number of American male federal civilian employees working for the military who had been there since the end of the war. They married a German, lived on the economy (vs in American villages), spoke fluent German, their kids went to German schools, etc. They were happy and most did not intend returning home when they retired."

To this time - Germany was dependant on a high degree from the USA .
The German was much friendlier to Americans as today, but behind closed housedoors they had and have an other face.
I´m sure, the most of them went back to the USA after a couple of years with their german family members,
the situation changed completely.

"They brought their wives to US military social functions and everyone had a good time. No one faulted them for their decision. Rules have since changed, perhaps in the eighties, and federal employees are no longer allowed to homestead in a foreign country. They have to go back home after five years or so."

Yep, they have other rules in germany for private persons and I´m the husband of a german wife. ;)

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Quote from: Roma Jean Turner on November 20, 2007, 10:21:56 PM
  Mike, I am so glad you are on here telling us things from your area of the world.  I like to hear what people are thinking and feeling, even if I wish it were different.

Yep, it´s a really difficult situation and it seems to me it´s getting harder and harder for america.

The german chancellor Mrs. Merkel is the leader of the conservative party CDU, but she is the head of a great coalition administration between left and right wing.

It´s easy to get along with her for the the US-Administration but the political basics didn´t change in Germany.

Just friendly small talk... ::)

She isn´t "anti-american" and  not an "old fashioned socialist" like chancellor Schroeder but  she is also not a big USA-friend or a friend of the Pres W Bush Administration or the Republicans.

They call it in Germany "reality politician"!

Bill Clinton will be a poll driven president during his time, some day  Mrs. Merkel will be a chancellor driven by profits of the german economy.

Keep smiling for Dollars...you wanna Mercedes, BMW or Porsche?
...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Quote from: Jody on November 29, 2007, 01:38:26 PM
I WILL TRY AGAIN!  i HAVE ALWAY HEARD THAT THE YOUNGER germans  dont have much of aclue of what happened before  WW2 , during or right after the war ended!  I HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING  germany myself!

If German kids talking about WW2, they talking about: "Terror by american bombardments against Dresden or Hamburg; Terror against german prisoners of war in sibirian gulags ; Terror against Hiroshima and Nagasaki; Terror by soviets against german refugees etc."

Nationalism, Holocaust, dictatorship, War made by the Germans or Japanese...that is not the main problem in germany.

The fault of the Americans, the Alliance or something else is much more important!

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


...and if they (kids and adults) talk about americans in iraq, they talking about american terrorism, that´s not a joke.

Not Saddam and his Clan was the problem in this region, America is the problem.

The same problem as in Germany for six decades ago, but now they haven´t in the USA the alliance of the other europeans like during WW2.

malicious glee...nastiness...but not to loud, that´s not good for the business.

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.

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