Amazing but True: Currently being advertised on US Television

Started by Teresa, December 02, 2007, 09:51:28 PM

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For those who survive will be those who live within their means,  know how to plant a garden for the vegetables for canning and butcher hogs, beef and chickens for the meat.   I have read newspapers from the 1920s and 1930s.  If we keep going the way we are then we will be repeating history.

Judy Harder

I have been trying to find a response to this and do it in a way that I can
tell it like it is......and to let people know that being on disability and SSI with (now) being on Social Security
has been a different road than what I  had planned when I was a young adult raising kids and me and trying with the

I did work some, mainly with 3 under 3 and my husband having less than an 8th grade education and we couldn't afford babysitters, etc on what we could earn.
so I stayed home until they were old enough (in school) and then worked part-time and then low income jobs.

when we split the marriage I did manage to work as a nurses aide at a hospital and maybe got about 10 years or so under my belt  until I got Fibromyalgia and Rhematoid arthritis, and poly-arthritis and a couple more auto-immune illness' with restless legs thrown in to the equation for good measure.

When all you have been trained for is what you learn as a mother/housewife and sometimes bed changer etc......that is not a job (I) can do when there are days when I can't hold anything without dropping it and then until about 3 years ago I wasn't able to walk without a cane and of course didn't walk far when I did.

Living in this area where jobs that I am qualified for are scarse, I had to duck my head and ask for help.
With me being a "Displaced homemaker" I didn't qualify for full disability had to go on SSI which is the Federal eqivilant (I know that is wrong spelling) to welfare.

It has been rough learning how to live on this.  just a few years ago.....when I hit 62 I did get on my ex's Social Security and the pay scale went up.  I then got about $500 a month...........yep that is what I said.
With this pay scale I qualify for help with food and housekeeping and there are people with agency's  that have helped me get where I am today.

Of course, there are times I can work.......such as when elections come up I work them and I also scorekeep for softball and baseball games here in Longton, when there are home games.

I have learned to live without............and my son when he passed away left me part of his life insurance and I was able to coast the past few years with it.
I am not allowed to have any asset that amount to more that $2.000. Can have my car, which I bought with his life insurance, and then had to spend down the rest to get on the Kansas medical insurance (they won't cover you if you have too much I did wind up owing a lot after then cancer and when the money was gone they put me back on.
But, I still owe and am still paying when I can and trying.

I can't want anything big.......and must accept that it will always be like this.

I think if and when the ex passes on I will get a larger amount. But, when you get a raise they take it back in the form of Medicare and I dare anyone NOT to have health insurance of some kind......and then they penalize you with taking something else away.

As you can see it is a nasty cycle......but with the help of God I do get from one month to another  and I am sure that He will see that
I have what I need to get buy.

I dare not buy a lottery ticket....and unless I could win a huge amount (millions) it wouldn't pay me to try.........and like I tell my friends
I do have a roof over my head, I do have a bed and warmth and enough to eat and altho there are days when I would love to do something fun..........go to a concert or fair or just be able to go to WalMarts without counting the cost in gas over there and then get some good tasting food.......chocolate or ice cream or (I mean different flavors) and even try something new cafe or resturant over I am thankful that I have what I do have.

I want to thank all of you who pay for me to survive.............Being on SSI and Disability has taught me to be more diilligent with what ever I do and I am surviving.........

The reason I am walking a little easier is that during the cancer therapy and the recovery I lost more that 80 pounds and with that much weight on my joints it did make it hard to walk...........and the fact I try to walk 30 minutes a day and feel much better for it.

I know this is long and sorry for that. But, I did want to tell it like it is and tell you that even on this amount.....Life is good.

Hugs and God bless, Judy

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Lord Almighty... here I go again.
I think that by now I would learn to keep my mouth shut about some things.. but dang it.. I get so frustrated at things that I can not do anything about . And I hate liars and cheats and to me our government is just chuck full of them..openly in broad daylight scamming and cheating us and without a gun, they are stealing us blind.
Now understand me when I say, I don't want anyone to get the wrong impression that I am not in favor of SS.. I am. I have always been and always will be more than willing to help those who need it.
And I am sorry for all your hardships Judy. But that is what frustrates me so much.. We shouldn't have these kinds of things happening to our people here in the US.
I don't mind paying in.. and I never have, because I "thought" it would be there to help my parents, myself and others here who needed it after they could no longer work. And everyone who was paying into it thought so too.

What I am against is the fact that the government has squandered our Social Security savings.. literally stolen it out of the account and used it for every other thing than what it was supposed to have been in there to be used for.

Suppose you want to spend more money this month than your income. This situation is called a "budget deficit". So you borrow.
The amount you borrowed (and now owe) is called your debt. You have to pay interest on your debt. If next month you don't have enough money to cover your spending (another deficit), you must borrow some more, and you'll still have to pay the interest on the loan. If you have a deficit every month, you keep borrowing and your debt grows. Soon the interest payment on your loan is bigger than any other item in your budget. Eventually, all you can do is pay the interest payment, and you don't have any money left over for anything else.
This situation is known as bankruptcy.

Each year since 1969, Congress has spent more money than its income. And our Social Security account is part of that.
The Treasury Department has to borrow money to meet Congress's appropriations. The total borrowed is more than $8,000,000,000,000 and growing every day!. Even when government officials 'claim' to have a surplus, they still spend more than they get in.  Beware the term "Social Security Surplus"; There is no such thing.

Social Security is not part of the Federal Budget general fund. It is a separate account and has/had/has  its own source of income. Social Security payments do not go into the general fund, they go in the Social Security trust fund, and should NOT be counted as general revenue. The trust fund is supposed to be used to pay future benefits.

But......currently, there is more being payed into the Social Security Trust Fund than is being paid out to beneficiaries.**THAT should give you the big red sign alert**
But do they give it back to the ones who have worked and put it there? Ahhhh NOPE.
They cut people's amounts back.. and then what's left over is routinely being "borrowed" and used as if it were general budget revenue.
Oh... but wait a minute... government agencies using that money are promising to pay it back (IOUs). Yeahhh right!

The Federal Government doesn't do anything well.  It's inefficient, slow, prone to fraud, and ineffective. 
Why would you want the Federal Government to take care of your social security in retirement?
We don't.. BUT.. once again.. we have no choice...

All of the money in the Social Security Trust Fund has been spent! That's part of the National Debt. folks.!
So right now...Social Security is just a very large tax collection tool.

((I am sooooo sorry that I got on my political stump once again  :-\  ) But I feel so strongly about what is happening to us in this country ..and to be very honest with just scares me to death!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Don't count on your Government not screwing you out of your 401K either.


Did you know that people are alcoholists and drug addicts get SSDI sooner than those with a physical aliment.  I believe that they need to wait just like the rest of us.  But people with a mental illness and are mentally challenge should get SSDI as soon as possible.  Those with these illness had no choice but alchoilic and drug addicts has a choice.  Sorry about the english my brain think faster than my fingers can type.

Roma Jean Turner

And what really makes it even worse, is that these Lawmakers/breakers and their spouses are going to be living off all of us till they die with a whole benefit package that never ends.  I'm with you Teresa,  I get so pissed I can hardly stand it some days. >:(


We need to write all our congress people that they need to stop adding pet projects to any bill that involves society security or we will vote them out of office in the next election.  There is a lot that they can do in Washington, D.C.

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