What´s your opinion in Howard?

Started by michael_glenn, November 20, 2007, 06:36:01 AM

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How can America handle the bad and sad but very strong anti-americanism especially in Germany and Europe?

At first, please excuse my bad grammar, I´m living in germany since more than three decades as US-citizen in Northern Germany and I lost a lot of my homespeech, but didn´t lost the binding to the United States, my relatives and my roots.

As a little boy I felt the the aversion against me or other Americans in Germany, but they never handled it on a direct way or didn´t speaking loud to the afflicted persons.

Okay, every foreigner in a foreign country will make the same experiences, but my opinion is, the most of the germans didn´t changed their character , only their exterior or outfit for a little while.

It changed complete after the fall of the Berlin wall and not with the administration of Pres W Bush´s crew.

They started open and direct campaigns not alone against the USA politics and americans, every day is it to read for everybody in german newspapers, to see at their tv channels or to hear on radio stations in the  large german multimedia landscape or themselve to hear from the germans  .

It grown-up to a big dangerous abscess, let me say, it is a special german subculture, it´s hip to bash americans.

If you need in germany the agreement of other people, starting your statement or discussion with phrases of anti-americanism or bashing with hate campaigns against america, after them you´ll have the most people behind you.

Do you know this in America?

Sometimes but not very often I saw several articles in US-newspapers about this problems, but it seems to me, the main problem is much more bigger as the americans at home believe.

What can we do and what shall Americas politicians do?

sorry for my bad grammar and thank you for sharing

...it´s never too fast and heaven can wait till I die.


Hmmmmmmmmm.. I will think about this and answer a bit later. and I am sure Kjell ( being from Europe ..Norway.. might have something to say also.)
Thanks for posting Mike.. and your grammar is just fine!  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

  Mike, I am so glad you are on here telling us things from your area of the world.  I like to hear what people are thinking and feeling, even if I wish it were different.


You know? I have read and reread your post..and once again.. I just sometimes feel so lost..as I am sure most good Americans and people of other origins must feel.
I don't know what can be done.. and I hate to sound negative ..but I am afraid that we have slid so far down and we are heading downhill so fast, that it is just too far gone to stop it.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Not si fast!  I have always heard the younger Germans


I WILL TRY AGAIN!  i HAVE ALWAY HEARD THAT THE YOUNGER germans  dont have much of aclue of what happened before  WW2 , during or right after the war ended!  I HAVE A HARD TIME TRUSTING  germany myself!

W. Gray

Mike, I am curious as to how you stayed in Germany.

I was stationed for three years at Heidelberg in the sixties. Although your situation appears different, I recall there was a number of American male federal civilian employees working for the military who had been there since the end of the war. They married a German, lived on the economy (vs in American villages), spoke fluent German, their kids went to German schools, etc. They were happy and most did not intend returning home when they retired.

They brought their wives to US military social functions and everyone had a good time. No one faulted them for their decision. Rules have since changed, perhaps in the eighties, and federal employees are no longer allowed to homestead in a foreign country. They have to go back home after five years or so.

"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


a foreign country is bashing Ameria - so what's new??? ::)

Diane Amberg

Perhaps Mike can answer this too.  I know it is "fashionable" to be anti American in some countries, but a great many people speak English and like American TV.  Is it us they don't care for, or is it American politics?  I meet foreign exchange students quite often and they don't sound so anti American. But then again, they are here.

Jo McDonald

What an interesting aspect to our American life --- I personally will look forward to future posts on this subject.  I makes my heart ache just knowing that people hate people ---distrust is one thing...Hate is hard for me to handle.

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