Thanksgiving Menu

Started by Tobina+1, November 19, 2007, 04:27:05 PM

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When you all make your Thanksgiving dinner..
Does your giblets end up in the gravy or do you wear a bra when you cook?

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Yummy to all those menus!  My mom asked about the turkey, too, but none of us kids are huge fans like she is.  She'll do a turkey at Christmas; probably all the the same sides, though!  Usually, Chuck and I have Thanksgiving on our own since he has to feed cows that day and work on Friday.  We've got into the tradition of having ribs, because he has enough time to grill them.  Everyone thought it was a good idea, and since it IS at our house... that's why the blackeye peas and rice, too.  Things that Chuck grew up eating.  At least no collards or palm hearts! 

I wonder if Flo's orange jello salad is a lot like my apricot jello salad?  Apricot pie filling and jello is harder to find, but our family likes the tartness.  Add some cool-whip, cottage cheese, and pineapple, and you've got a strange sounding salad that is AMAZING!  Almost more dessert-like.

Sounds like everyone is arriving tomorrow afternoon, so I hope the weather cooperates!  My parents have the farthest to drive, from NW KS (Atwood).  My brother who lives in Conneticut has been in KS for a week already, so he doesn't count.  My youngest brother and my sister and her son (7 months) will drive from Manhattan together... it should be an interesting trip, as the baby tends to SCREAM during car trips and we'll see how little bro handles it!  Ha!

Diane Amberg

This year for Thanksgiving I am making....reservations!. We are going to the Wesley House in nearby Maryland. They have a wonderful seafood buffet. They add all the traditional turkey things on Thanksgiving. So there will be turkey, stuffing, oyster stuffing, oysters several ways, clams and clam dishes, crab legs, blue crabs, crab cassreole, several kinds of shrimp dishes, scallops, fresh fish, stuffed mushrooms, a soup bar with several kinds of soups, including Maryland crab soup, a huge salad and bread bar and desserts of all kinds.
You could really hurt yourself at this place! :D :D :D


wonder if my family would miss me, cause I sure would like that seafood buffet Diane is talking about. ::) ::) My orange salad, however, is orange jello, crushed pineapple, mandarin oranges, made with hot water the the drained fruit juices, topping is cooked, cooled and folded into cool-whip and spread on the jello, then topped with grated cheddar cheese.  Suppose you could leave the cheese off and use it as a dessert probably.  I use this salad at Thanksgiving because of the color.


Quote from: Teresa on November 20, 2007, 09:46:47 AM
When you all make your Thanksgiving dinner..
Does your giblets end up in the gravy or do you wear a bra when you cook?

>:( dang it, this year I'm wearing a bra

Janet Harrington

For Thanksgiving all I have to do is wake, dress, and go to Mother's house.  I don't have to cook.  I don't have to bring anything.  YEAH.  When I was sheriff we would fix the entire works for the prisoners.  The trays would not hold everything.  We did that at Christmas, too.  I'm looking forward to see what the little sister brings.  I know she can cook because her kids will eat it, but I don't think I've ate too many things that she has done.  This will be a first time that she has done the dinner that I can remember.


Janet; so, are you saying your sister's kids are picky... or YOU are???   ;)


I called Sandy Dunbar and she is coming for dinner and Kjell wants coconut creme pie.
I am so looking forward to the quiet time. We usually take a long walk and then play Rummicube .
Sounds boring to some, but as hectic as our lives are right now, it sounds like a little piece of heaven to me..

If anyone has to drive, please drive the speed limit, buckle up and watch the other cars on the roads.. Please be safe.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

As usual, I won't cook a thing, but have plenty of places to be if I choose to go.  (I am not known for my culinary skills amongst my friends, Ha, ha).  They usually ask me to pick up the chips and ice.


Well, somebody has to do it..  ;)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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