Fire safety...good to know!

Started by indygal, November 15, 2007, 08:58:22 AM

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This info was just forwarded to me via email, and I feel it's worth passing along to friends and family, especially households with small children:

Please read this and watch the video.

  This is so  important ... as old as I am I never heard of doing the wet towel thing... but I  will remember it after seeing this.Kitchen  Fire Safety  - Good  reminder for everyone.....

   This is a powerful message----watch the video and don't forget what you see. Tell your whole family about this video. Or better yet, send this to them.

  This is a dramatic video (30-second, very short) about how to deal with a common kitchen fire ... oil in a frying pan. Please read the following introduction and then watch the show ... It's a real eye-opener!!

  At the Fire Fighting Training school they would demonstrate this with a deep fat fryer set on the fire field. An  instructor would don a fire suit and using an 8 oz cup at the end of a 10 foot pole toss water onto the grease fire. The results got the attention of the students.

  The water, being heavier than the oil, sinks to the bottom where it instantly becomes superheated. The explosive force of  the steam blows the burning oil up and out. On the open field, it became a thirty foot high fireball that resembled a nuclear blast. Inside the confines of a kitchen, the fire ball  hits the ceiling and fills the entire room.

  Also, do not throw sugar or flour on a grease fire. One cup creates the explosive force of two sticks of dynamite.

Copy and paste the following in your browser:

Diane Amberg

Now you're getting into my area. Please notice that the film was British and they do teach the wet towel thing. Here we would prefer you slide a lid over the burning  pan. For some reason Americans tend to not deal with the wet towel properly and get steam burns or throw the whole drippy wet towel at the pan. Remember, you will not be dressed like that firefighter if you have a fire, and I doubt you would be that calm. In any case be very careful and don't set yourself on fire. 

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