Riddle in Rhyme

Started by Teresa, February 03, 2006, 10:56:26 PM

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Ok....Put on your thinking  hats.
Read these lines and see if you can guess what this item is.
The winner actually gets a dozen homeade cookies, made by me.
If you live out of town, I'll box them up nice and break free and send them to you.
If you live here , I'll bring them to you.
( Now how is that for trying to get participation..huh?)
Everybody ready?

Hint.....This is a very common item.  There is a whole bunch of people that have one of these.

I've been with the Mormons. I've been with the Quakers.
Quite often I'm hidden by the movers and shakers.
One time I was seen as an utter disgrace...
But now I'm accepted. I am common place.

It was in the twelve hundreds that I came to be.
Intelligent Chinese folks thought up me.
Some people bought me to indicate status,
While I could be given away...free and gratis.

I'd be willing to wager a small jar of jam...
That you can't figure out, from these lines, what I am!
Alone, I'm not mobile and yet I can slide...
Up and then down, but not side to side.

You may see me in Finland. You can see me in France.
You can see me in shirts and even in pants.
I can be fat, or I can be thin.
In a jocular vein...I can make people grin!

You may take me along if you go for a walk...
Some of my parts are petroleum stock.
I am usually placid, but I can be strange;
My color is neutral, but at times I can change.

You may see me with shorts. You may see me with talls;
Sometimes when I'm there you can't see me at all!
My size may be mini while my task may be mighty;
I can be used in, or out of a nightie!

Some people need me if climbing the stairs;
I am one, single unit and yet, I am pairs.
You've seen me with all the famous...it's true!
But you'll never see me on R2-D2!

Sometimes I'm strong and at other times weak;
It is sometimes I'm sloppy and at other times sleek.
I am unisexed neutral and yet I can be;
Male and/or female. Now don't you agree?

You may drag me along with a small piece of rope;
I've been with all the presidents and with the Pope.
I can be weighty, or I can be light;
You may don me at daybreak and doff me at night.

For an hour, or so with this rhyme you may piddle...
Can you guess what I am from the clues in this riddle?

(((More clues to follow.. but lets hear some guesses...))
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Another clue comin' atcha!

I can be clean.  I can be dirty.  That is your elective.
But if I am dirty, I'm not very effective.
I can be here...I can be there
When I'm in use...I can be anywhere.
I am seen on a walk.  I am seen in a race.
And for all that I know...I've been seen out in space!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !




:-X but good guess....

Have 'nuther clue: and the last one...

I can be in an airplane up there with a flyer
I'm not at low quarters, so look a bit higher.
I can be with a Human, but you don't know which end;
But you'll never see me with animals, friend!
Some people use me to appear to be smart.
I can be broken, or taken apart.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Carl Harrod

I don't really know from the clues because as soon as I start thinking about one thing - another clue points away from that.

So: I will venture two guesses

Shoes or Hat


  Still no winner~~~~ but the answers are really good..

ok.. ya want to know the answer? 

ahh.. think I'll give you a bit more time to think on it.. ;)

And what about the prize.....Have you ever tasted my cookies??
Don't you want to?  :)
Think hard now...

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


answer: ...MY HEAD HURTS NOW!!!!! :o


I can't think of any Chinese inventions during that period of time that fits the riddle... at least not yet. :(


Maybe I will get lucky to get those cookies down here in FL.  Sure would bring a littel of Howard to the south.  How about a pair of suspenders?


One more guess for the night.  How about a pair of glasses?


Quote from: jensarlou on February 08, 2006, 07:05:16 PM
One more guess for the night.  How about a pair of glasses?

Eyeglasses it is!
We have a winner!

What kind of cookies do you want?
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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