
Started by Wilma, November 01, 2007, 07:37:55 AM

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from my bedroom.  A small box of change and my car key.  When I moved in here I set up what I call my bill paying center in my bedroom.  It consists of a small library table and a file cabinet and I take care of my business there.  I have had one of those boxes that new checks come in on one corner of the table and I would unload my change into it and drop the car keys on top of the change.  Only my daughters knew about the car keys.  Monday morning I got some change out of the box.  Yesterday morning when I went for the keys, the box, change and keys were gone.  The only people that have been in the house since Monday morning are two of my daughters and they don't know anything about it.  They have looked also and can't find it.  My purse was on the table beside the box and nothing is missing out of it.  There is a small stack of bills in one of the drawers and they are all there.  A bag of change that I intend to take to the bank some day was also on the table, altho it was covered with papers.  The only time I have been out of the house was just long enough to go to the mailbox Monday afternoon and for about 2 hours Tuesday afternoon.  First daughter and I worked on a flower bed in the back yard.  First daughter made several trips to the front of the house, coming into the house a couple of times.  The front door was unlocked,  we could be seen in the back yard from a window on that side of the house.

Any suggestions?  I am hoping that the box will turn up some place here in the house, but that will mean that I did something with it and have no memory of doing it.  My car is locked in the garage until the key is found or I can change the ignition and my front door will be locked any time I am out of sight of it.


Did it accidentally get knocked off the edge of the table into the trash can?  Or onto the floor and kicked under the desk or bed?


The box was open and if it had fallen to the floor there would have been change all over the place which even I would have noticed.  Good thought, though.  The trash can is too far away from where the box was for it to have fallen into it, but I am going to look anyway.

Bonnie M.

I hope the lost is soon found!  It is a mystery how it could just "disappear!!  Good luck in finding it.

Diane Amberg

 Why did you want change? Perhaps you carried the box with you as you were taking out the change? Where did you go next? Check drawers.


I needed change to give to the Schwan's man.  My bill was exactly $10.83.  I took a ten from the stack in the drawer and picked 3 quarters, a nickel and 3 pennies from the change box.  The box stayed on the desk.  I didn't even move the key out of the way, just picked around it.  The only place that I would have carried the box would have been to the kitchen table and that has been searched thoroughly, even to the place of discarding some of the don't need to keep papers.

Diane Amberg

I would have said check the freezer, but if the box stayed on the desk, then you didn't put it away with your Schwan's order. ;D  My husband does that kind of thing constantly. if he gets interrupted or does something out of order, things are bound to go missing. Did you put away a receipt?


I never get a receipt.  He has a hand held computer that everything goes into and I give him the exact amount.  First daughter put the purchase away.  All my receipts go into a basket on the desk for sorting at the end of the year and I have looked there.


Wilma; did you ever find your box of change and keys? 


No.  Not a sign of them.  I don't like thinking that some kid came in and picked up the first thing they could find but that is what it looks like now.  I don't think it was an adult or they would have taken the money from my purse and from the drawer.  My car is locked in the garage until I can get the ignition changed.  It is d-----med inconvenient being imposed on that way.  In case anyone is interested, the key is a Dodge key on a red Quality Toyota of Independence key ring.  And the box was a red box that new checks come in.  If anyone finds the key or the box, I would be interested in knowing where they were found.

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