The Andrews Siblings

Started by Leonardcrl, July 21, 2007, 03:41:57 PM

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I've opened this topic here since the topic had grown out of control (IMHO) in the Roll Call.

The subject came up in response to questions about my mother and here sisters who were in and around Howard.  The subject are my maternal grandparents Albert and Edith Andrews, who had a large family of nine children.   

What started this off was this post in the Roll Call by FRWINN

Quote from: frawin on July 19, 2007, 02:14:48 PM
Carl, Iam trying to recall all of the Andrews family, I remember your Mother, Bernadine, Beulah, and Mary Ellen but for the life of me I can't think of 3 more. I spent lots of time talking to Fred and Beulah, I delivered their paper and they lived on the way home from school and town. Fred gave me lots of great philosophical wisdom.
Frank Winn
My response was:
QuoteFrank you met all the Andrews family that stayed around Howard - All the rest moved out of town.  And I miscounted.  The Albert & Edith Andrews had nine children.  The last four all sort of blurred into the crowd of cousins that were around since they were all in the same cohort.  For a tail end kid like me it was tough to remember who were Uncles and Aunts and not real cousins.
So here is the list with a few side comments that I am relatively certain of.

  • Emaline - My mother born Feb 1904
  • Iva - Married Harry Jordan: Moved to New Mexico
  • Beulah - Married Fred Sheppard
  • Bernadine - Married Forrest Redmond
  • Richard - Married Florence Morgan - Wedding announcement in Genealogy.  Moved to California
  • Eunice - Married Earnest Rhodes - Lived in Wichita, Hutchinson and Topeka
  • Clarice - Went to Washington D.C. as part of the build up for WWII.  Married a Maryland gentlemen and stayed there.
  • Mary Ellen - Married Lyman (Buck) Snodderly WWII Pacific Theater Vet
  • Albert -  WWII European Theater Vet - Lives in Wichita with wife Pat.

As a side note.  Emaline, Iva, Beulah and Bernadine all graduated in the same Howard High School class.  The year I don't know and can't find (Yet).
San Antonio Tx.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Leonardcrl on July 21, 2007, 03:41:57 PM
First of all, Leonardcrl, I want to know what IMHO means?

  • Bernadine - Married Forrest Redmond

Second of all, if your Aunt Bernadine married Forrest Redmond, then that makes us almost related as Bernadine Redmond married John Weyrauch, also.  John Weyrauch was my dad's uncle.  Bill Redmond, Bernadine's son, is a neighbor of mine.  He owns (and used to live), across the alley from my husband and I.  I call Bill, "Daddy Bill", as he is always willing to help me if I need it.  Bill can fix just about anything, just like my dad could.  My dad's name was Jim Weyrauch.

So, hello cuz.  That's what Bill Redmond would say.  Hello cuz.

Diane Amberg

  IMHO....I'm not touching that one. If the A fell out of the middle, I mean.


In My Humble Opinion.

What I use, because I am me, is IMNSHO.

That's In My Not So Humble Opinion.


Janet Harrington

Well, thank you, frawgy.  I appreciate the enlightening.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 21, 2007, 06:26:37 PM
Quote from: Leonardcrl on July 21, 2007, 03:41:57 PM
First of all, Leonardcrl, I want to know what IMHO means?

  • Bernadine - Married Forrest Redmond

Second of all, if your Aunt Bernadine married Forrest Redmond, then that makes us almost related as Bernadine Redmond married John Weyrauch, also.  John Weyrauch was my dad's uncle.  Bill Redmond, Bernadine's son, is a neighbor of mine.  He owns (and used to live), across the alley from my husband and I.  I call Bill, "Daddy Bill", as he is always willing to help me if I need it.  Bill can fix just about anything, just like my dad could.  My dad's name was Jim Weyrauch.

So, hello cuz.  That's what Bill Redmond would say.  Hello cuz.

Hello Janet - (Semi-cuz?   ;)) Yes Bill Redmond is my cousin and I think the only family that is still residing in the Howard area.  I missed him on the last trip because he was out of town attending a grand kids wedding.

And frawgy is right. IMHO is from the old character based internet days before emoticons became available.
San Antonio Tx.


I have found a Howard Alumni List which shows that four of the Andrews sisters graduated from Howard High school  in 1921:  Beulah (Shepherd), Emaline (Leonard), Iva (Jordan), and Bernadine (Redmond-Weyrauch).  I hope this fits into your family history information.

Your grandmother, Mrs. Andrews, lived down the street from us in her later years, and I passed her house daily while walking to school.  Sometimes if she was out on the porch, I would stop and visit with her after school.  Beulah Shepherd used to work for my dad, Cecil Hebb, in the  Smith & Goodwin store, and she and Fred were really special people to us. 


QuoteRichard - Married Florence Morgan - Wedding announcement in Genealogy.  Moved to California

Aunt Florence Andrews is my Grandmother Gladys' last remaining sibling. I have wonderful memories of visiting with Uncle Richard and Aunt Florence when they lived near Roseburg, Oregon.  Uncle Richard was a wonderful sweet man. Aunt Florence now lives with a son in the Sierra Foothills in California.
Check out my family history Website


Quote from: patyrn on August 26, 2007, 05:53:30 PM
I have found a Howard Alumni List which shows that four of the Andrews sisters graduated from Howard High school  in 1921:  Beulah (Shepherd), Emaline (Leonard), Iva (Jordan), and Bernadine (Redmond-Weyrauch).  I hope this fits into your family history information.

Patryn:  Yes that fits I was not sure of the date since I'm not the keeper of the family Genealogy  :) Thanks for the input.

I'm still separating legend from the facts on how all four sisters managed to graduate in the same class.  The only thing certain (so-far) is that it was Beulah's class and the sisters got grouped together after a return from an stay in Guymon Oklahoma.

San Antonio Tx.


I would like to impart my fondest memory of Howard and I guess this would be the forum to tell it to. 

When I was a small child, my mother, Iva Jane (Andrews) Jordan became very ill.  At that time we were living in Artesia, NM.  I can't remember now why it was just the two of us.  Perhaps both of my brothers had gone on to school or the military.  At any rate, my mom asked me to make a phone call to Howard to get someone to come and stay with us until she was better.  Now, for all you younguns out there, this was before there was a dial telephone system.  To make a call you simply picked up the phone and waited for the real live operator to talk to you.  Then, in order to make a long distance call, you had to ask for the long distance operator.  So this is what I did.  When the long distance operator came on, I told her I wanted to talk to Howard, Kansas.  To which she replied, who did I want to speak to in Howard.  I told her I just wanted to talk to Howard, Kansas.  This went round and round until the operator finally got tired of dealing with a child and just connected me to the operator in Howard, which happened to be my Aunt Bernadine Redmond working the late shift for the phone company and help arrived within two days in the form of my grandmother and one of my aunts.  I have never forgotten that time.  LarryJ
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

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