Wireless Hot Spots Howard, Moline, etc.

Started by Roma Jean Turner, September 17, 2007, 09:16:53 PM

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Judy Harder

No Bonnie, Steven lived in Independence.
He was the son of my ex's brother and wife.........and was one year old when
Bob and I married.

He was 46 and from what Robyn said had a bad cut on his leg and got a very bad infection.

Me being an ex I have to ask lots of questions about  the family and still don't hear it all.

Ron and Phyllis live in the 600 block of South Ninth and their house was in the middle of all that water and Phyllis has been in and out of the hospital for the past year or so.

I will go to the funeral. Steven and I were close when he was a boy and until we became ex's all was  well.

I can never figure how when you and hubby can't get along why all the families take sides and all of  that. I still consider them family and will always.

the last time I saw Steven he and his younger brother were helping clean out the basement of the house that was flooded.
He never snubbed me......
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers; I do hope your trip was fun, Bonnie. Don't know if you heard but Wilbur Bright passed away.
His obit was in tonights paper.
Glad you are home.......Hugs and God bless 
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Bonnie M.

I hadn't heard that Wilbur Bright passed away.  He was Willard's twin brother, they were both at Mother's 100th. birthday party.  I'm sure that's very hard for Willard.  I saw their brother, Russell, at the Hale Homecoming the first Sunday of this past June.

It's really sad about your nephew's death.

The cousin we visited in Tennessee, Joe Elmore, has been divorced, and he's been married to Diane, his "current" wife, for 22 years.  Joe's first wife was "awarded" the home that Joe had built, in the divorce.  She's remarried, and Joe said he gets along very well with his "husband-in-law."  I'd never heard that expression before!

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