Visit to Elk Co Roma Jean

Started by Roma Jean Turner, October 21, 2007, 09:32:26 AM

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Janet Harrington

I'm glad to hear that Roma Jean is a nice lady, Mother.  I hope she thought the same about you.  LOL

Roma Jean Turner

Of course I feel the same way.  We had a wonderful visit and it was so nice to have company while I roamed around the cemetary.  Usually I do all these things by myself.  Jimmie was right out there walking in the wind with me.  Judy and I had a great visit after I got back to Longton, it was a perfect way to cap off the evening.  I slept like a baby at the Silver Bell and headed to Moline the next morning.  I had lunch with Dana Brogan Denton at the Swinging Bridge Cafe.  (If I lived in Elk Co I'd be eating there everyday). Also met Bumblee and I think Little Lamb. Had a visit with David Brace, picked up some copies from Connie Lloyd and then headed to Wichita.  It was so great to drive through the wide open spaces of Kansas.  Went through Granola, (the museum was closed), Burden, Udahl, etc.  Had dinner with Bev Leffingwell and her son and then on to my stepsisters.  Wow, what a day, we all went to bed at 2:00 am.  Time to begin getting ready for the wedding this afternoon.  Talk to you soon.

Roma Jean Turner

What a wonderful trip.   The wedding yesterday was beautiful, it was at the Scottish Rite Temple in Wichita.  Before I left today, I had a great visit with Ole Granny.  I grabbed a quick cheeseburger at Toots  and got home about 8:30 tonight.  This was the kind of trip that I had wanted to make to Kansas for a long time.  My thanks to all of you that took the time to visit and make this a really warm, homey trip.  I plan to be making a lot of these trips through Elk County.


It's good to see that you are home safely.  If there is anything you need here in Elk County, let me know.  I will try to take care of it for you.  Hope to see you again the next time.

Ole Granny

Hi, Glad your trip was enjoyable.  Wish I could have eaten at Toot's with you.  Sounds yummy!  I made it to my grandson's 2nd birthday party with time to spare.  He enjoyed his day too.  Please let me know when you are back in the area.  It was a great visit and enjoyed meeting you.  Ole Granny
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Roma Jean Turner

Thanks everyone!   Holiday plans are pending.  I'll keep you posted.

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