Rating Commercials

Started by Wilma, September 11, 2007, 10:34:47 AM

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I vote with Wilma.  Wouldn't eat that nasty stuff after watching those commercials!


Just saw another commercial:

Remember the old "Is it real or is it Memorex" commercials, where the glass would break?

I didn't hear the dialogue, sound was off, but the pictures told the story:

Bud Light has a commercial where these guys are at an opera.
One guy opens up his coat to reveal a couple of bottles of Bud Light.
They share a bottle.
The soprano sings and the bottles break.
Then the rest of the bottles in this guy's coat break and he has beer gushing forth.
Then a gentleman in the row in front of him turns around with a CAN of beer.

The commercial did a good enough job that I remember it's for Bud Light, and I don't drink beer!


I just cannot even imagine oreo cookies on a pizza crust - in any way, shape or form.  Oreos  belong with a glass of milk.  Looking at those two guys I think they need to:  BRUSHA BRUSHA BRUSHA, WITH THE NEW IPANA

Diane Amberg

Hey, I remember Bucky Beaver too! ;D


One thing I learned teaching first grade for 39 years,is that little kids like to watch the commercials almost as much as the show!


Mystifying-- The Dr. Pepper commercial that is being shown during football games.  The fat receiver makes a touchdown, pulls a bottle of Dr. Pepper out of his sock, does a celebratory dance, climbs the goal post and does a belly flop from the cross bar.  The mystery is that the bottle of Dr. Pepper is in his right hand all the time until he lands flat on his belly with his right hand flat on the ground, fingers and thumb outstretched.  An instant later the bottle is back in his hand.  Where is the bottle when he lands and how does he get it back in his hand?


it's called today's technology, Wilma.  I catch a lot of mistakes watching movies etc. on TV.  Think this is something I picked up after the made the movie in Severy.


Let's just face it, Flo.  We are just natural born critics.

W. Gray

Bad Company (the Severy movie) was about several boys fleeing west to avoid military duty during the Civil War. There must be some folks on the forum who were town extras?

The biggest blooper I caught was a scene in which they were all heading west but after running into much trouble one has had enough. He decides to catch a stagecoach in the distance. From their camp, one of the boys is watches him running after the coach and describes the situation to the others who are sitting down. The looking boy tells the others "He is running after it, he caught it, he is getting inside, and he is off."

The next scene shows the stage stopping to pick him up. He runs up to the door, opens it, and gets in.

Another scene shows them all eating what a farmer calls sowbelly and greens but it looks like all they are having is mashed potatoes.

This is not a blooper but just funny. There is a kitchen fight scene in Severy between two of the boys. One loses his boot and it lands in a big pot of soup cooking on the stove. The boot disappears in the soup. After the fight, the boy retrieves his boot, pours the soup out in the pot, puts the boot on, and exits.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Diane Amberg

I like the Budweiser Clydesdales

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