Decision Making

Started by Teresa, January 24, 2006, 10:05:44 PM

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  How many decisions do you make in a day? 
It's something probably most of us rarely think about.  But in fact, life is made up of decisions, small and large. And how well you make your decisions, or even making a decision at all, can greatly affect your life.  The ability to make good decisions is the mark of the successful person.  Good decision making helps you achieve your goals and avoid mistakes.  You can live out your dreams when you are able to make sound decisions and act upon them.

    Each of us tends to have a certain style of decision-making, when it comes to really important decisions.
Take a glance at the list below,and see where you fit in:

    Impulsive – you go for the first choice presented to you.

    Fatalistic – if something's meant to happen it will, it's fate.

    Compliant – you go along with the crowd or someone else's opinion.

    Delaying – you need more time, or you'll think about it later.

    Agonizing – you feel overwhelmed, and can't make up your mind.

    Balancing – you weigh all the factors, and then go ahead.

    Of course, the ideal method is the last..... "Balancing."
And a very simple tool to help you do just that is something called "Benjamin Franklin's Balance Sheet."
And yes, it's something good old Ben came up with to help himself make decisions.
It's very simple.
Simply take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle.
On one side, put the pros for the option you are considering and on the other, put the cons.
You can then refine it and assign each entry a "weight" according to importance of +0 to +10 points for the pro side
and -0 to -10 points for the cons, and add them up. 
You'll quickly see the benefits of either side, and your decision will then almost make itself.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


I made several decisions today.... 8)

Fortunately, Kjell and the cat are still living...
Sooooo... I guess ONE of those decisions went belly up!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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