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Started by Bill Reed, January 10, 2006, 02:42:04 PM

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Bill Reed

I dont know how many people on this forum remember me or even know me.  My name is Bill Reed.  I lived in Howard the first time back in 1982 for about a year.  I then moved back to Howard in 1993 and lived there until 1995.  I worked for a great Sheriff, Janet Harrington part time during those two years.  I also worked part time as a city Policeman. 

A lot has happened to me during the time I have been away from Howard.  I worked for about 6 years for Wilson County Sheriff's office, then on to Parsons Police Dept. In 2003, I moved to Tulsa Ok.  I worked for an aircraft manufacturing plant for a while, then was hit with some heart problems that caused me to quit that job.  I am now working surveillance in a casino and couldnt be happier.

Do I miss Howard Kansas?  Yes, in a lot of ways I do. I miss the laid back living.  I miss people waving at others, even if they dont know them.  I miss not having to worry about whether I locked my car or house.  I plan on making a visit sometime in the near future, but for now, hello to those that remember me.  I hope all is well with everyone.


Hey there~~ :D
I am so glad that you checked in and are doing good. Wow.. heart problems are not good.. and you are so young..
Just like *cough cough* me..  :-X

You know .. Howard has changed a bit here and there.. but only on the outside.. I think Howard will be the same in 100 years as it is now.

I remember when we used to camp out at the Howard lake every weekend. You were on duty and made your nightly rounds through the lake area making sure all was well...and having a hamburger with us once and awhile.
Well you and everybody in 3 counties knew that I was/am deathly afraid of wind at storm times. And that night..there was a big storm brewing. I was in a 5th wheel camper with Mark, Derek and my poodle dog Taffy. It was lightening and thundering and I was watching the sky pretty close but so far no wind... so we decided to go to bed..

Just about the time that Mark and Derek started snoring, I felt the energy of the weather switch..and saw car lights tearing down the hillside and come to a stop at our camper.
My feet hit the floor just as Bill banged on the camper door, hollering and yelling  ..
"Tornado on the ground at Piedmont moving this way!!"

Well folks~~ I have to admit..I lose all common sense and any type of rational behavior is gone when I hear the word Tornado.
Mark and Derek jumped up, ran outside and immediately stated grabbing all the stuff at the camp and securing it down..
and me??..... well I grabbed up my dog in one single swoop and ran to the truck ( the ONLY truck I might add) and jumped in and tore out of there heading to the house like the devil was on my tail. I didn't even stop to think until I pulled into the driveway, that I didn't have them with me....
Hells bells.. I left my husband and son back at camp to brave the storm out in a metal 5th wheel camper with no vehicle of any kind.! :o Thought for an instant that I should brave the frightening wind and go back for them.. but about then a huge limb came off the tree by the side of the garage...
That did it!
Every man for themselves and it'sl too late now, I thought.. they are on their own..
the wind was about to jerk Taffy out of my hands as I ran for the basement. 

To finish up this story, all was safe. we got some wind, some rain..and nothing else. I sat in the basement and cleaned a bit..did laundry and finally deciding it was safe, came out and went back to the lake.
Derek and Mark were sound asleep. (I really didn't leave them much choice did I?) :D

But from then on.. Bill would always come out before hand to warn me and let us know that a storm was approaching or that we were were going to maybe be in for some bad weather..
( I think he felt sorry for my family so he gave us the weather report..and gave Mark plenty of time to get the keys from the truck.) ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Bill Reed

I had forgotten about that storm night.  You tell it much better than I ever could have, course I didnt leave people out at the lake to fend for themselves......lol

Jo McDonald

Well----Hello Bill----glad to see your picture and to read about what you have been up to these past years.  Sorry to hear that your health is not "up to par" but glad that you have a vocation that is good for you.
  What I remember about you is ----  the night when we were all at Teresa and Mark's house for supper and I made Mexican cornbread and you enjoyed it so much.  You  just ate and ate it----You told me about two or three weeks later that you still dreamed of that corn bread    hahahahaha  Every time I make Mexican cornbread I think of that.  Working in a casino would be my fanasty fulfilled -- but I would have to work overtime to pay for the time spent at the slots.  Whooooo EEEEeeeee  I do love to go to the casinos. 
Take care of yourself...

Da Blond

seen you in pictures sweet lady and you are as beautiful as you always look when Treese shares family stuff with me, i know in USA you say Mom, but here us kiwi's call you ladies mum, so hello mum, lost mine 15 yrs ago, miss her terribly, so for those of you thave mums and dads, keep them close, and tell them you love them, xxxx Ida

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