
Started by Marcia Moore, August 26, 2007, 06:33:22 PM

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Marcia Moore



Wow!  Will we get to hear 'The rest of the story...' ???

W. Gray

Someone would need to go to the Howard newspapers of February 1885 to see if there is another perspective.

However, I am willing to bet the Severy newspaper copied that information from an exchange copy of a Howard newspaper.

Exchanging copies at no charge with other editors was the major way editors got their out of town news in those times.

There would have been two newspapers in Howard at the time, Courant and Democrat.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU

Marcia Moore


Janet Harrington


Taken from the The Howard Courant, January 30, 1885, Vol. XV, No. 5

For the first time since it's settlement, Howard is excited over a shooting scrape which took place at the residence of D. W. Shinn in the east part of town, last night about 11 o'clock, and which resulted in the shooting of two men.

It appears that a dance was in progress at the Shinn residence and everything was moving along gently, until Mr. shinn, who was considerably intoxicated, got into a disturbance with some of the dancers and created a panic by flourishing a loaded revolver.

City Marshal Mark McBee was sent for, to arrest Shinn, and quell the disturbance.  In attempting to make the arrest, McBee got into a scuffle with Shinn and the latter drew his revolver and shot McBee in the left side; McBee then drew his revolver and shot Shinn in the head.

McBee was immediately taken to Dan Carr's house close by, and Drs. Hatton and Bean were sent for.  After a partial examination, the sufferer was removed to the Welborn House, where he is now lying in a critical condition.

Dr. Topping was sent for to examine Mr. Shinn's wound.  It was found that the ball had struck him on the chin, fracturing his jaw bone, and lodging in the back of the neck.  The ball was extracted this morning and his wound is not considered dangerous or serious.

McBee's wound is, perhaps, of a serious nature; it could not be probed, as the bullet struck a rib.  It's course cannot be determined, but perhaps ranged downward.  Shinn will be held in custody by the officers of the law for the present.  Further particulars will be given our readers next week.

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