How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Janet Harrington

A wonderful twilight for Mother because she had me.  LOL


 ::) for Petes Sake..
( here we go again)   ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

I heard Kansas lost another firefighter yesterday afternoon. It was just listed as Sedgwick county, so it must be around Wichita somewhere. He was electrocuted by a live wire at a grass fire, where a truck had taken down a power pole. Really a shame.


Yes, the truck had ignored the bridge out signs and had tried to go on through.  Of course it had to turn around and took out a utility pole as it did.  That resulted in a grass fire and the firefighter got into the electric line.  That part of S. Broadway is only 2 lane and not much room for maneuvering.  Maybe this will make people believe the signs.

Judy Harder

Well today was an elevator  type of day.
I attended my nephews funeral in Independence.
He died last week at 47 from an accident that happened to his leg......(he cut it) and it became infected and then he developed Flesh eating disease and was in a coma for about a week before he passed on.

I didn't know this all happened  and it was not pleasant to hear about Steve that way.

I am an ex and like I said usually hear the stories after the fact.  I can and do deal with that. I laid Steve with the Lord and just accepted that this will always happen.

When I first got to Independence, I had some time to kill before the gravesite service that was due for 1 Pm.
When Independence got flooded Steve's parents, (Ron and Phyllis) lived in the area in south Indy that was flooded the worst.
So I went to see what they had done to their house and when I drove to it, it was completely gone.
Down and the basement covered over and growing grass  all ready.

I just about lost my heart then.  I knew they had a lot of damage........just didn't know it was totaled.
I feel so sorry for them.  They had lived there since the late 70's and I spent a lot of time with them before my divorce.

We (Phyll and I) were so close that I felt like we were sisters instead of in-laws. 
Now  Phyll is in the hospital.............she is recovering from a hip fracture and has COPD and lots and lots of medical conditions.

she didn't get to attend Steve's funeral.  Is in the Jane Phillips hospital and Ronnie said she is trying to get her strength to come back home.
Ron and Phyll did get to move in to Penn-Terrace in Indy and that will make it easier on Ron.
He isn't well either. Has heart problems and is a diebetic and worrying constantly about Phyll.

I did get to see my other nephews today. I see the one that lives in Independence several times a year and the oldest one, I got to see for the first time in 20 years.  Was bitter-sweet.............but his hugs were just what Aunt Judy needed.

While in town I had to get supplies from Walmart.......can't go in without making 1 trip do it all.

I head for Topeka and Kansas City this weekend. I have an appointment with my cancer doctor in KC Monday and will spend the weekend with my folks and siblings and enjoy the visiting.

Just telling about my day has exhausted I will sign off and head for rest.

Please put Steven's family on your prayer lists........I am making one message do it for two topics.........

but you all are so good about lifting my spirits that I feel sure you will let me.

Hugs and God bless ;) :) :laugh:
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

I'm so sorry you had such a bad day. I hope you sleep well tonight and angels bring you good dreams.


My goodness.. Bless your heart.. You HAVE had a rotten day.

Get some rest and know that God will open the curtain to a new bright day tomorrow for you.  :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Jo McDonald

Oh, Judy, I am so sorry to hear of your sadness and loss.  God Bless you, and may your heart heal, and your sadness lessen.
  Blessings to you,


My day was busy busy busy... and I am tired tired tired..
I will have to tell everyone what is going on at a later time. Right now I am too pooped to talk!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

Hi all, and thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers. Al got through his surgery ok yesterday, but they did keep him overnight, which he wasn't too happy about. After the surgery he had a mild allergic reaction to some thing, we don't know what, so it made for a very long and tiring day. His throat swelled some and they just wanted to keep an eye on it. He wasn't intubated, so it wasn't that. They let him come home mid morning today. He is very uncomfortable in spite of the pain meds, but warm soaks do help. The surgeon told me about the clip job and "rearranging" he did. He said he did a lot of "yardwork" while he was in there, raking, pruning and weeding. ;D  Now Al has to do nothing for a week and then he should be pretty good. Glad that's over. Prayer continue for all those having difficulties.

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