How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Roma Jean Turner

Congratulations on the new house!  As if you guys don't have enough creative juices flowing as it is, this will really kick them into overdrive.  I've owned my house for 8 years and ever new thing that gets done is exciting to me.  I often just sit on the porch and day dream about what I ultimately want to see here.   Our own personal canvases.

Bonnie M.

It's exciting news that you have a new home to move into.  I imagine you surprised "everybody," if you even surprised yourselves!

The amount of energy and the artistic abilities that the both of you have is truly amazing!

And, I loved the pictures of the baby, his sister and your son and daughter-in-law.  Families are "what it's all about!"

Have a great day!



The baby..( Mason is Derek and Rochelle's ) Derek is my youngest son..
Ashley belongs to Danny and Teri.. (the ones in the pictures) Danny is my oldest..
So even though they will be raised together in the same town and almost brother and sister.. they are still cousins.. ;D

Here is Mason's mama and daddy.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Teresa, I love the pictures!  Maybe I'll get in gear and post a few soon.  BTW, either you or Flo mentioned using lavendar oil in water to keep the mosquitoes off ~ is there a place here to get the oil, or do I need to go to some kind of specialty store? And could you remind me of the ratio?  I went through another can of OFF today and even though I don't like the smell, I don't like the mosquitoes more.  :P  Does the lavendar water work for you?  Maybe I should import some bats, I've heard they love mosquitoes!

Today I mostly worked on getting the garage & house ready to paint.  Pressure washed some, but most has to be hand scraped.  It's going to take me a while ~ partly because I'm slow and partly because I'm only doing the part I can reach while standing on the solid ground.  I'm not a tall person.  Ha!  The place is going to look like neopolitan icecream if I paint the bottom half and leave the top for someone else to do.  :-\ Well... maybe not neopolitan, because I'm pretty sure I'm not going to use pink, even though niece Courtney suggested it.  :-* She's REAL helpful...

I got the bottom half  ;D of the garage done today and started on the house.  Didn't get far, but then I'm not getting paid by the hour so there's no-one to complain but me, and I'm too tired & sore.  But I still feel like I had a good day. I hope you all had a great day too.


for the ratio look back at this thread..,2901.0.html

I did mix up some but I don't know if it worked actually. Because that evening, I sprayed it on myself.. then we were all going to take off and work away from the vehicles ( where the Off was) and there were so many mosquitoes that I freaked out and sprayed off on me anyway.
I was thinking ," What if I get clear down there in the trees and this stuff doesn't really work.. THEN I'm in BIG trouble."
sooooo I don't know if it works for sure. :-[
Mosquitoes panic me. or anything else that bites and you don't feel them land! I hate 'em.!

Lavender oil can be ordered online through any aromatherapy and incense  shop. There are many many many places. I am always trying different brands cause some are way better than others ( as with anything) and I use every oil that there is , as I mix them into my creams for the healing properties. And some are NOT good as the smells dissipate after mixing. ..which really irritates me as these kinds of items are not cheap.
Lavender is not expensive.. ( sandlewood is VERY expensive)
And some lavenders smell totally different too.. so just search.
If you are in the city's and poking around , so into some herbal shops or metaphysical shops. They usually have wonderful grades of oils that mix and hold the scent.
Wow.. I have gabbed so long, I don't have time to walk before mason gets here. Better go  and put some war paint on so I don't scare the little tyke first thing. HA HA ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Judy Harder

I am so enjoying this cooler weather.

I am waiting for my sister to show up today. She called, from Topeka last night and said if I were
going to be home she would come down. I said, "Of course, I was going to be home.......where else would I be?"
Well, I am waiting for her to get here and we plan on eating at cafe.

She will only be here a few hours....which is ok. I am just happy she is coming down.
It has been years, maybe 5 since she was here and it will feel strange to have someone
in my apartment that isn's 4 legged or a housekeeper.

This weekend is the Dyer softball tournament and I will be real involved with the scorekeeping. I use to play, before all the arthritis and fibromyalgia and old age got me........but, I still like to watch good ball playing.
IF I don't keep score I spend my time visiting and almost forget to watch the ball game. LOL..something about the crowd, just
makes me gabby...LOL.
I haven't missed a game in 18 years. The first year I played in it.. Had a great time........Alas where do the years go.

So, I won't be on here most of the weekend, but I shall return come Monday. Hope all stay healthy and happy and comfy.
Come watch a ball game or two. It is free and there will be 8 teams playing round it will take 2 days......
and all the money we collect will go for the summer ball programs.
And we all have a great time. Games start at 8 Saturday................and continue till around 10 that night....and then again Sunday...

See you all later.
Hugs and God bless

Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Today Al and I went to Rehobeth Beach for the day. The weather was perfect and it was busy enough to be fun, but not crowded. It's a little family town with a boardwalk only about 8 or so blocks long. They have a wonderful old indoor carousel at Fun Land. It has lots of carnival games and a few other little kid rides also.There are lots of typical beach food joints and doo-dad shops. The boardwalk always smells like caramel corn, beach fries, salt water taffy, and suntan lotion with overtones of salt spray. The banner plane was flying today, towing a banner down the shore that said," Bethany Blues, open all year, awesome ribs." The places start closing around Sept. 15th., but there is a nice "after season season." There is a very good British Fish and Chips shop called, "Go Fish" a block off the beach and he does great battered cod and "chips." I'm still full.

Janet Harrington

Oh, what fun that would have been.  I'm glad you both had a good day.

Rudy Taylor

Diane, since you seem to love Kansas, even though you live on the east coast, and I seem
to dream of living the way you do with your beaches, crab feasts, bay vistas and music echoing
across your town from the U of Delaware, maybe we could swap houses for a week.


I'll show you mine.  Will you show me yours?
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 Ya better let me vacuum and dust first! ;D

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