How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Judy Harder

Boy, am I a tired puppy.
Friday I headed up to Topeka and with the weather as cold as it was
my joints have been screaming ever since........Muscles too. I found out
my hips don't like to sit in a car for 3 and 1/2 hours without stopping, and are
paying me back today.

Usually when I go up there I stop at Beto (love the food and the trucks) and that is where I break
when I leave Topeka. But, me being so smart.......when I got to that spot I felt good, didn't need a pit-stop
and I wasn't hungry and just decided to keep moving.

I had planned on heading to Independence and hitting WalMarts before I got home....but when I hit Buffalo
and that junction, I just decided to head over to 400 and fill up at P&Js and come in that way.
Well, when I got out at Howard, I almost looked and acted like I was on a drunk.
My hips locked up and my back was screaming and when I went inside to pay, the guy in there
asked me if  I was ok....and I told him what I did.

Well today I have been playing catchup with the house and bills and enjoying the weather.
Not the moisture. I am sure that is part of my problem.
I had to go back to Howard this morning to pick up Scooter (left him at Doc Blacks and they weren't open when I went through
yesterday) and I needed to stop at bank and saw how big the Zimmerman's funeral home is and
then back to Longton.

Got home and with it being so warm we had to go for our 30 minute walk.......and we may have extended it a bit.
Just felt so good being out in the air.......I think I even heard a cricket or some type of bug making to love it.(Weather in Kansas, I mean)

Then the sun came out and I decided to do laundry and hang it on line.
Do you think I have any sense................well, I am wondering.
But, as soon as it is dry and off the line, then I will quite for the day.(Least I won't need to do anything else this week.)
I may need an ambulance later.....but, it sure feels good getting all this done.

Missed all the postings and am playing catch up with that too.
hang in there Roma will feel better soon.
I almost want to go out and sit in the you have a window that lets sun shine in that you could sit in it. would make you/me feel so good.

Hugs, you'all and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I can feel for you, Judy.  That is what riding a distance does to me.  Today we went to Derby to my doctor for a shot in the arm.  Shoulder, actually.  Old bursitis be acting up prolifically.  Next was a visit to my favorite Wal-Mart at Derby, which might not be my favorite now except for the old employees that still remember me.  It has been remodeled and nothing is where is used to be.  By this time first daughter and I were tired enough we just wanted to head home but there were 2 more stops to make.  One was not prolific, they didn't have what I needed and the other was for the groceries that we can't get at Batson's.  Buying groceries isn't even fun when you are too tired to do anything but follow the list and get out of there.

We got home about 4 and I collapsed into my recliner where I have been for most of the rest of the evening.  My eyes hurt from the sunlight so there won't be any reading tonight.  I think I will just listen to the TV if I can find something worth listening to.  First daughter asked what I wanted to do tomorrow and I told her we might try putting away what we brought in today.

Roma Jean Turner

  Remember us in your prayers tonight?  The sirens have been going off, off and on since 5:45.  The second storm is now going over with another on the way.  There has been damage to the west of us and then to the east of Springfield.  I live at the West side of town 2 blocks off of Sunshine which is 160.  These storms head up from Monett, Republic etc. and look like they will come right up Sunshine, but almost always go either to the south or north or me, but then one never knows.  I'm so fortunate that the dogs pay no attention to any of this.  Periodically Maya howls with a siren  :laugh: 

I have my purse, big flash lights and battery radio in the bathroom in case we have to duck and cover.  I also put my box of raspberry/chocolate truffels I got for Christmas in there, just for comfort food if I need it.  Ha, ha.

Diane Amberg

Your Kansas warm up came to us today...65 and no wind. I went out on the back deck and enjoyed the sun. Got my vitamin D and smiled a lot. Tomorrow may be even warmer. Thanks for sending it this way. I went back on the "other"forum for awhile (Delaware) today. They really pick on each other's funny spelling errors worse than you all do. They were looking for a flavor of gum and one said something about chewing guys instead of gum. Well, that one really took off. Very funny but all in good fun. Most on it are 'way younger than I, but a good fun group.
Roma Jean, how are you feeling?  Keep up on the fluids. Your meds are great. I've had it too. Jo, most Docs will say any fluid is good, warm fluids in cold weather is best .


Wait till the other shoe drops! We have rain and snow forecast for tomorrow. Sorry Roma, I hadn't heard about storms down your way. Hope all is well by now. I have enjoyed going outside in shirtsleeves, I undecorated the front yard yesterday and worked up a sweat! Walked to the post office and bank today, enjoying the sun! Hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Bonnie M.

I hadn't heard about storms in your area either, Roma Jean!  I hope you're "all clear" by now.  Are you having straight winds, or more like tornados?

Roma Jean Turner

  Well at my place, just rain with lots of thunder and lightening.  To the West  there has been loss of property, trees down, electricity off down in Republic.  Now flash flood warnings around the area. The small town of Strafford to the East of us on I44 has evidently taken quite a hit.  The TV people can't get in there yet to see what has happened. I know they dug a woman out of her mobile home there earlier and she was alive. Overall there has been about 11 injuries and one fatality reported in the area, still waiting for more details All the programming on the local TV stations has been storm watches and radar.  It's strange there is just one storm after the other, now up to 7.  Now another warning again but to the South of Springfield.  Really started raining very hard here again, so worst so far tonight.  No some major rotations around the town of Ozark right now.   So much for my rambling.  I'll be watching this all night.

Diane, I'm drinking some hot cider with a shot of Crown Royal  :angel: .  That ought to loosen something up. 

Diane Amberg

If not, you'll at least smile a lot while being ill. Stay warm, be safe, sleep well. Good night.


That is as good a remedy as any! Enjoy!! Bottoms up!

Jo McDonald

I do hope all the bad weather moves out and you all have normal winter for a while , unless of course that might mean a lot of snow and ice -- you sure don't need any more of that.
We need rain here in south Texas.  It was cloudy all day, temps are in the upper 70's, and we had a shower about 5 PM - then it was over as quick as it started.  At seven we went to the club house and danced until 10. We had six musicians and there were four vocalist that entertained us. We both said we were just going to listen and enjoy the music, and darned if they weren't playing a good old honky tonk song as soon as we walked in and we headed straight for the dance floor, and danced nearly every dance.
Our friends from Wichita arrived today and I love to dance the polka with Norb..and we whipped around the floor a couple of times with that dance.  When we came home, we said again  how tired we were. The older we get the less sense we have.   :laugh: :laugh:   But we had a great time.

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