How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Bonnie M.

No, he didn't have to do the road test.  If a person doesn't pass the written test, then they take the road test, but I'm not sure what other reasons might prompt the road test.


We have had a great day!  Our daughter arrived from California on Thursday A.M. about 8.  We picked her up, had breadkfast at Cracker Barrel, and done a small amount of shopping.  Her friend came in on the same flight on Friday, so she and I picked him up and headed back north.  We have been in Bartlesville almost a month now.  They have been very good to help us this weekend with hanging pictures, moving furniture, etc.  Frank had back surgery the last of September, so he is not to be doing some of these things.  We still have many boxes to unpack, but we get a little done each day.  Had to get the office set up and running before anything else got done.  Today, we drove to Howard to see relatives for a few minutes.  We did stop in at the Cox building and saw a few people.  We then went to the farm to see my mother and we drove in to Lila's at Piedmont for lunch.  She had pan fried chicken and it seemed to be very popular as they ran out before 12:30.  Aside from the weather being so cold and misty, it has been a great day.  We are back in Bartlesville now and get to spend one more day with our kids before they head back to California. 

Merry Christmas to all in the forum group.



Great to sit down and join you good people for a little while.  Made peanut brittle all day.  I'm finally down to just 10 or 12 batches for Steve and I to take to work and a few people he wants to give it to.  I even tried some coconut-pecan brittle today.  I think we'll have some homemade vegggie soup for supper on this cold night.


It was a great day for us too!  We went to Manhattan to our oldest son's graduation from K-State.  The roads were pretty crummy going up and MUCH worse coming home, but we wouldn't have missed it!

Ole Granny

Congratulations to all three of you!  Looks like it was a happy day!
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Diane Amberg

Congrats. on the midyear graduation. What's next for him?

Bonnie M.

What a happy day for all of you!  I'm glad you made the trip safe and sound!  Congratulations to your son, and to his parents, also!


Thanks Bonnie, Diane & Ole Granny.  Chris' degree is in Marketing.  Actually, he's been working at GTM (Greek To Me) which is a sportswear company based there in Manhattan but sells nationally and even worldwide now.  He increased to full time this summer, and is staying on with them as a district sales rep.  They sell mostly team uniforms, logo items & such, though do a lot of retail & special orders too.  Chris's territory is California, Washington, Oregon, Arizona (I think), anyhow, more of the far western states.  The fires out there caused him some distress because so many of his regular customers were burned out or displaced, and he is concerned for them.

In January he'll get to start going to a couple trade shows, and probably travel a few times each year.  He loves the company and they've really been good to him the last couple years ~ encouraging him in his fishing tournaments and making a flexible schedule to work around his classes.

Chris' wife, Dana, graduated in May and is working on her Masters in Gerentology.  She also has a full time job as administrative assistant to 3 doctors at the hospital.  Anyhow, they plan to be in Manhattan for a few more years while she finishes her Master' program.  Marty said that it's a good career choice for her, because he plans to get old... someday... :P

Roma Jean Turner

  :) The highlight of my day was watching's Diane's Delaware Blue Hen's win their game today.  It was an exciting game and I'll be rooting for them Friday night when they play in Tennessee.  Guess I'll go to bed and look forward to waking up to the ice in the morning.  They say its moving this way.


Congratulations to the Hunter family on No. 1 son's graduation! Great picture, and I especially love the big shiny star they put on the graduation caps... (Sorry, can't help being a smarty-pants!)

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