How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Usually Janet does more than her share making a holiday for the family.  She deserves a year off.

Today, first daughter and I went to Wichita.  The day started good as we left Howard about 8:00.  Just up the road we saw lots and lots of geese.  Then a bit further up the highway is the grave of the first teacher in Elk County.  It is looking very neat.  Nicely mowed from the fence back to the gravesite and there is off road parking if you can get to it.  I didn't notice how to get from the highway to the parking as I was too busy admiring how nice it looked.

Our day in Wichita went very smoothly.  We had a list, checked it twice, but still managed to forget to buy crackers.  Otherwise we got everything we went over for and were home by 2:30.  Tomorrow we will go up to Julie's and buy what she has that is better than what you can find anywhere else.  Besides it is time to refill my prescriptions and I just like looking around the store.

Diane Amberg

Today was doctor day for me. I went to my opthamologist this morning and my primary care internist this afternoon. As near as I can tell, I can still see, my heart is still beating, and my purse is $40.00 shorter. :(


I'm gaining ground.  I've got 20 batches of peanut brittle done and 2 batches of pecan brittle done.  Tomorrow I am going to take a break form that.  I made all the kids marshmallow guns.  Won't the Mothers love me? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;DI'm making the women glass block lights wrapped like a gift. 

I sure hope it doesn't get to soggy around here on Saturday as I would like to get the brittle done and get started on the popcorn balls.   One of the elfs told me Santa was really on a heavy schedule this year and would be coming to Piedmont to visit on the 16th so I need to hurry. 

It was a good day and I think I'll turn in before long so I can have a good day tomorrow.

Roma Jean Turner

Wow, pecan brittle............... :o I have never had any of that.  It sounds awesome, I may have trouble sleeping tonight just fantasizing about the taste of that.

Bonnie M.

Sally, you are a "go-getter!"  Good Heavens girl!  How do you get it all done? 

I guess I don't know what a "Marshmallow gun" is?  (Probably a gun made from marshmallows?)

And, I don't know what a "glass block light" is.  I must really be behind with what's happening in today's world!

Anyway, I admire your ability to get things done. :) :) :)


Marshmallow guns are made from pvc pipe and you blow the marshmallows thru them.  Nothing like shooting marshmallows at people. :)
The glass blocks are the ones they use for windows like in bathrooms so there is light but you can't see thru them.  You drill a whole in them and thread Christmas lights in them then you wrap a ribbon around them with a bow on top.  They look like a Christmas present when done.  They are really cute lights for the season.  Gotta run.  It's time to go to work.  Have a beautiful day.

Diane Amberg

Yeah, pea shooters for the 21st century.   I love your idea on using the glass block! I'm going to try that one. :)

Ole Granny

Just finished making some Chicken and Noodles- confort food.  Mighty tasty on this cold day.  I try but it never taste as good as Charlene (Winn) Jacot's.  Frank or Myrna- do you know her secret?  That has to be the finest eating memory I have.  Well , I guess I could think of a few more.  Myrtle Smith's Lemon Meringue pie is right up there at the top.
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend

Bonnie M.

Sally, thanks for the explanations of the gifts you're making.  They sound really neat. 

As for how our day went.......

My husband (Bob) is to have cataract surgery in January and his driver's license is to be renewed by his birthday, Dec. 29th.  So, he was really worried about passing the vision portion of the test he is required to take.  We went to the DMV this morning, he passed the vision test just fine, and only missed ONE on the written test, so he's "good to go" for another 5 years, I think it is.   
Those things just really make us happy!


Diane Amberg

I gather he didn't have to take a road test.  Great!  Cataract surgery sure has changed over the years.  It used to be a hospital stay, weird pupils and thick glasses.  Now it's so simple.  I'm sure he'll be happy to have bright colors back again.

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