How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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For an old lady, I have had quite a day.  My water damaged ceiling is finally repaired and thanks to the young man that did the work, I also have 2 above the window shelves.  I think he was concerned that the patch would show up too much and he thought that if there were a shelf full of my elephants above the window, people would see the shelf and elephants and not notice the patch.  The windows are divided by a fireplace so that the windows set back about 2 feet from the front of the fireplace.  Each window area is about 6 ft. long, so now I have 2 6 ft. shelves above my head that I can't reach.  The one under the patch is being filled with elephants and I think I will use the other for a bird area.  I have several sets of love birds and I think a bald eagle perched up high would look good.

Since I had to take down the curtains for the work to be done, I also took down the kitchen curtains and washed all of them.  The cafe curtains have been put back up but I like the way the windows look without a valance and think I will leave it that way for awhile.  And you can't wash curtains without washing windows.  First daughter removed the bottom inside window for me to wash but couldn't figure out how to remove the top inside window.  Waited for the carpenter to come back and he knew how to remove it so the windows got washed except for the outside.

Besides the carpenter working here today, one of my great granddaughters spent most of the day with me while her mother made a trip to Wichita to get her birthday present.  She is a lively young girl but we got along fine.  Needless to say, I am tired, but it has been a satisfying day and I bet I sleep good tonight.

Bonnie M.

Wow, Wilma, it sounds like you got a LOT done today!  The shelves will really come in handy.  I never seem to have enough places to put "things!"

I kind of got a good start on cleaning out a clothes closet today.  I am the worlds worst, when it comes to not getting rid of clothes, when I buy new clothes.  Most of the clothes we have these days never seem to wear out, there just seems to be a problem with them becoming smaller as the years go by!  You'd think with all of the people who have lost their homes and everything in them, that there would be a desperate need for used clothing, but I've not read about a place to take them, so I will just take our used clothing to the Am-Vets store, or the Salvation Army.  I think the people who lost everything can go to either store and get what they want, free of charge.

Other than that, and baking a "Dump Cake" this afternoon, it's been a pretty nice, quiet day around this adobe hacienda.  Tonight is the Methodist Church's supper and Bazaar in Longton, I always wish I could be there.


Wilma; you could use the bottom side of your new shelves to hang some sort of curtain from?  I saw an idea like that recently.  I think it was to hang roman shades.


I have already hung a couple of elephant wind chimes from the bottom of the elephant shelf.  The bird shelf is above the computer and with the "stuff" I have stacked on either side of the computer, chimes wouldn't be able to hang down.  Maybe a short ruffle along the bottom of the shelf?

Diane Amberg

Now I'm ready to have some down time. We got all the local and county fire prevention winners taken care of, went to a friend's bonfire and a 45th high school mini - reunion. The U. of Del. Blue Hens are going to the play offs, and for the first time will play the Del. State Hornets on Friday here in Newark. ESPN will carry it. K.U. is doing well too, I see. We're about to have your warm Kansas weather for tomorrow and Thursday. Thanks! With all the menus I've seen, there is going to be some good eating on Thursday. I have some sadness knowing my only family on the east coast won't see us over the holiday, but I have my forum family to be thankful for...and some new sisters! Al is finally on the mend and seeing much improvement and much less pain. I do have a bushel of things to be thankful for.


Diane, wish you were here.  The good times we could have and I could learn so much more from you.  I do hope you have a wonderful Thansgiving.  I am thankful to have met you on this forum and the other great people.


Meee tooo.

We have a wonderful group of people ..who really DO seem like family.
Nice, isn't it?  :)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Roma Jean Turner

One of the many things I have to be thankful for this year is this website.  Since I have been on here, my stepsister Cynthia, (Wichita), and I have talked so much more often. I have things now to talk about instead of just what is going on here.  In fact, I called the other day.......they walked in the door just as the phone was ringing and my neice said,  "Hey Mom, I'll bet that's Aunt Roma calling to tell you about the fire in Howard."  We have more fun seeing which one of us hears Elk Co news first.  It has brought me closer to my family. Thank you again and again all of you and Teresa and Kjell for such great work. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


I made a quick trip to Independence this morning and what to my wondering eyes should appear?  A full grown bald eagle, about a mile east of Elk Falls.  Made the whole trip worth going out in the cold.

Jo McDonald

Oh Wilma, how wonderful that the Eagle was there for you to see and admire.  There are a lot of Bald Eagles in northern Minnesota, and there was a pair that nested high in an old tree at the northeast corner of the lake, and we would see them every day that we were out in the boat.  They hatched two babies summer before last and one day while we were fishing for pan fish, one - either the male or female, came swooping down just a little ways from us, snatched a good sized fish out of the water and few off to the nest with it held firmly in it's talons.  I'm telling you , that was exciting for me and Fred, first time either of us had seen that, and it was so close, we both jumped when it came down at the water.  Such beauty and such a strong bird.  I always told Fred when they circled very close above us , that they were talking to me.   hahaha   But I truly believe they were.

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