How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Judy Harder

Quote from: Bonnie M. on October 02, 2007, 04:00:42 PM
This may be the week-end that Judy was going to K. C. for her check-up with her Doctor, then to Topeka to visit with her family.  ???
Here I am.................yes, I did go to Topeka and Kansas City.

Good news I am still cancer free, and don't go back till April. Then if all is well, he will let me have yearly visits.

This was a good weekend.....altho my family are not in good health right now.

Mom has a staph type infection to her colon and maybe intestines.  Has had diareaah...........(SHITS) sorry the devil made me do it....LOL for the past 2 or 3 months.
Would get it stopped and then it would start again.
This last round of antibiotics was priced at ONE Thousand dollars...........Dad about dropped his teeth when he got the bill.
With the help of the pharmacist he was able to find a program that only cost dad $40. Co pay. (oh he did say she was taking each one of those pills....) no wasting

My sis has a cold.........and is trying to help look after mom.......and dad.
My brother and his wifes special needs child is going through a 'mad' spell.
He is 23 and has the mental age of a 8 or 9 year intellegent, but has a type of syndrome that makes him mentally challenged.
He isn't a Downs patient, but has some form of Autism with another one added to it.

He is at home with folks and is ok with that, but in the afternoons he gets very angry.........and starts to hyper-ventilate and is really putting Mike and Diana through the paces now.
He is fun until then. Meaning he is still a challenge but controllable and mostly loving.

Having problem's finding out what is wrong and dealing with it. He can't tell them where it hurts and is almost always talking  (his way) to someone or something.
That is another story......but all of these people need lots and lots of prayer.

I will attempt to relate this story later.
I have come home with a full blown Fibromyalgia
Flare and predicted all that rain yesterday and am ready for some down time.

I also must catch up with 4 days here on forum.
You all were missed.
Chat with you later.

Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

Praise God for keeping you cancer free.  We will pray for your entire family.  Sounds like they are going through tough times.


Glad you are home safely, Judy.  Want to know about my day?  Except for a quick trip to Eureka, I spent most of the day in the garage getting my garage sale ready.  To start with it didn't seem like much, then 4th daughter brought in a car load.  Second daughter says she has her car trunk full but we are betting the back seat is full, too.  First daughter has been adding to it all summer as she gets unpacked and decides to part with some things.  Third daughter brought hers in the other day.  Not as much as she had the last time, but there is always her books.

My problem is that I like everything organized so that you don't find unrelated items together.  So I spend a lot of time rolling around the garage putting things where they belong.  I also get to do most of the pricing.  With 3 daughters helping tomorrow, we should be ready by Friday morning.  Would be glad to see you if you have the time.  Just tell me your Forum moniker since I don't know most of you.

Judy Harder

you know garage sales are a lot of work. The only one really enjoys it is everyone who makes a killing on some item.
Hope the sale goes well.........this too shall pass.
Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

Hello all.   Yesterday I did a fire safety workshop at the state's early childhood education conference at the U. of Del.  We teachers all love goodies, so I sent them on their way with lots of fire safety literature, new smoke detectors and fresh batteries.  We really had a good time.
Last weekend was downstate Bridgeville's big Apple/scrapple festival.  There are many apple orchards there and a big scrapple factory.  They put it all together for a great day.  Apple everything to eat, grilled scrapple as well as scrapple carving and a scrapple flinging contest.  Totally silly, but great fun. 
Soon we'll be having the famous Delaware Punkin' Chuckin' contest that started here a few years ago.  It began with some old car frames with springs and slingshots and has grown into a big deal with huge air cannons and incredible machines.  People come from all over and Canada too.  It has had to move a couple of times because they were out shooting the farm fields they were using. One group swears they will chuck a mile this year. Oklahoma had a cannon here last year, maybe we'll see Kansas this year.  Since we're getting close to Halloween, I want to hear more about the decorated out houses, and Bonnie tell us about your must have some good adventures to share.

Diane Amberg

Well, I am sitting here being very smug. :D  In the paper today there was a little article about a man who is relocating here from Texas. His name is Kjell Hegstad. Thanks to Teresa and the forum, I knew how to pronounce it!  :D.
I spent too much time today watching the fires on tv.( I hope we will hear from Bonnie again soon.) As expected the fire service has taken a hit already. Two badly burned when their apparatus was over run, two more with moderate burns and about 17 others injured in other ways. Its really rough on everybody.

Bonnie M.

An evening report....Conditions are better, the Santa Ana winds aren't blowing so hard, so the fires aren't being scattered hither and yon, like they were.  In some areas, we're still seeing problems.  If any of you have ever seen a "wildfire," they create their own life and winds, and just explode.  So, it can be fairly calm in one area, and completely different a couple of blocks away.  I'm anxious to see a map of Rancho Bernardo, to see where all of those hundreds of home were located that burned.  I have an idea, but until we see it, we won't know for sure.   The final number of homes burned is still not determined, well over a 1,000, though.  There have been 530,000 people evacuated.  The local population has been wonderful to supply donations of anything and everything that is needed.  The good thing that comes out of a disaster like this is that it really does bring out the best in people.  Cathy, Harvey and Michael will be spending the night with us, maybe they can get back to their home in Valley Center tomorrow.  It's hard to get information, with so much going on over such a large area.

Anyway, thanks for your concerns and prayers.  They are being answered!


Has anyone heard anything about Bonnie this morning?

Judy Harder


I got a message from her this morning.
I will try to find it and will post it for her....Here it is

She Good morning:
I'll give just an "up close and personal" report of what's going on out this way.  Some of you are probably able to get on web-sites and you know about as much as we do.

We were hoping that the worst would be over with by today, but there still seems to be many critical areas where the fires are burning out of control, and people are still being told to evacuate areas.  However, about 50,000 people have been allowed to return to their homes, according to the reports.  But, there's over around 600,000 (the figure keeps changing) people who have been forced to evacuate their homes.  The town of Julian was evacuated this morning.  Water and electricity are in short supply.  So many of the electric lines are down, transformers blown, etc.  Ramona is "out of water."  Rancho Bernardo is still under "mandatory evacuation," due to the potential for the ever changing direction of the winds to start more fires.  Embers can be blown for miles, and start another fire.

Several people we know have lost their homes to fire, and that information is coming in slow.  However, addresses of burned homes in many areas are posted on the inter-net.

Cathy, Harvey and Michael are staying with us, they still don't know the status of the fire that started on the La Jolla Indian reservation, or how close it might be to their home, we are just hoping for the best.  That fire is burning on Palomar Mountain.  The Medical Clinic where Cathy works is closed. 

With all of this disaster and sadness, the good news is that there are 42 evacuation centers that have opened up just about everywhere that isn't in the line of the fires, and the response to the needs of "the displaced" has been tremendous!  It looks like the people at Qualcomm stadium are having a wonderful time.  It's a pretty sure thing that some of those thousands of people down there aren't actually "displaced," they're just getting a "free ride" for a few days!  "They say" the meals are great, and there's all kinds of "free services" available. 

Of course, a lot of the "displaced" have family and/or friends where they can go, and most of the people we know have done that.

I think the final count of homes destroyed is beyond 1,500, plus all of the vehicles, etc., that were burned.  There are a lot of T. V. news people from all over the country who are sending some of their reporters out here, to give relief to "our" reporters who have been working long, hard hours.

I just had some good news!  I had a telephone call from our good friend, Michael Schlegel, it is his wedding we're to attend this Friday evening at the Wild Animal Park.  And, he was just checking in, to see how we are doing and Cathy and Harvey, and to say that everything is still a "go" with their wedding plans.  The bride-to-be is the Human Resources director at the Wild Animal Park and she's been my good friend for 20 years.  "Dr. Schlegel" came to work at the Park about 5 years ago or so, as the "Animal Nutritionist."  Since he didn't know anyone at all out here, and I was working in the same area as he was, we just became good friends.  He joined our family at our Thanksgiving gatherings for several years, he's "one of the good guys."  His family and a lot of friends are all flying in from Pennsylvania, and friends are opening up their homes to them, as several of them were staying at the Rancho Bernardo Inn, and it's closed, of course.   So, (happy face!)  That was very good news.  The Wild Animal Park has been closed all week, but is scheduled to open up tomorrow.  Michael said one of the Condor facilities burned, (the Condors had been removed, of course) and the fire burned up to the back gate at the Park, and burned a cluster of mail boxes that were across the road from the back gate.  I told him Bob might need to have his mask on, for breathing, and he said "if we have to, we'll pass around masks!" 

I'm going to go out and rake up the neighbors leaves off of our newly sodded lawn.  Can't help where your leaves blow!

Thanks for all of the prayers, concerns and "offers of shelter" that you're sending our way.  They are felt, and greatly appreciated!


Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


Thank you, Judy.  Maybe this will soon be over.

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