How was your day?

Started by Joanna, August 26, 2007, 05:33:47 PM

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Well, (Rudy & Wilma & All...) since you ASKed to hear about the mundane, here's what's going on in my life right now...

Today I watched lots of my eBay auctions end that I've spent the last couple weeks listing.  Some went really well, some poorly, and some not at all.  Ha!  I'm selling my science fiction / fantasy book collection.  Since we've moved, I've decided there are a LOT of things I don't have to own to enjoy, and these take up tons of space.  The auctions will be finishing up this week, then I can decide what to do with the ones that didn't sell. 

I figured out this week how to print postage here at home, so don't have to make Carolyn devote half an hour every morning to weighing & measuring my stuff at the post office.  It was a little scary at first, but so easy now I wonder why I didn't do it ages ago!

Brother-in-law Scott came in for coffee this morning with his grandson Evan, who isn't quite 2 yet. That baby boy is a joy to be around. He's a rough & ready kid that is interested in everything... and we discovered that we definitely don't have our house child-proofed! He's so fun to watch, but I know he'd wear me out if I spent more than a few hours with him.  I love seeing him when he vists though; and he loves to watch Clay's fish in the aquarium and play keep-away with our dog Squirt.

Marty's started a week's vacation today.  He's cleaning out the garage.  Wow! It's amazing what a few hour can do.  I think we'll be able to find things again!  Hurray!  Later this week he's headed to Denver for the Beer Can Collectors of America CANvention.  It is in a different city each year.  Last year it was in Kansas City and next year it's in Orlando.  Usually I go too ~ it's mostly guys but they all treat me like a princess so I get really spoiled.  I decided to stay home this year though, lots of things going on and I just don't care for the mountains.  I'm definitely going to Orlando next year, it's being held in a resort and I'm SO looking forward to that!

My pet peve for today is these cruddy house flies.  I have fly swatters in 3 rooms and I still can't get them all.  And when I'm poised and ready, the only place they'll land is on my hand or somewhere like that.  Ugh!  Ha!  If that's all I have to complain about today, I'm a very lucky gal.

Tonight I'm going to watch the movie DeJaVu that Chris & Dana loaned to me.  Probably Marty won't care for it, but how many times  have I watched the History Channel or Discovery Channel with him even though I was bored to a stupor.?.. Ha!  He'll probably play on the computer the whole time anyway.  I'd better sign off, Marty's out now hanging clothes on the line and then it'll be his turn on the computer ~ Did I get the best husband ever?  Ha!  I love this guy...


I can count my day more by what I didn't do than by what I did.  I didn't finish the dress I have been working on.  I didn't sweep the kitchen floor even tho it needs it.  I didn't do 2 loads of laundry that needed to be done.  I didn't cook dinner, but then I am not doing that any more anyway.  First daughter is cooking for me.  I didn't do much of anything, which reminds me, I haven't taken my evening Tylenol.  Gotta go do that.

Janet Harrington

Joanna,  I think Marty learned to hang clothes on the line from Jim.  Jim does the laundry.  Usually, all I have to do is fold and put away.  Now that I'm working and not wearing uniforms, I have to do ironing.  I don't mind doing ironing.  I can think about other things when I do that.

Okay, now here was my day.

Woke up and got ready for mass at Moline with the Catholic husband.  Went to mass, then stopped at Toot's for breakfast and visited with friends.  Came home and put dishes away, vacuumed (?) a couple of the rooms.  Went to youngest neice's house and picked up her two oldest kids.  Took them to church and Sunday School.  They are still learning the proper behavior in church, learning how to pray, etc.  They did fine.  I did not sit with the choir today as the boy had never been in church with me before, so I thought I should sit with him.  Got out of church, came home and fixed lunch.  Took a two hour nap while the husband went to the oil lease.  Since then I've just puttered around the house.  Hope everyone had a lazy day like me.


I really love Sundays!  I preached at both Elk Falls and Longton Methodist Churches, stayed for a short meeting at Longton, then headed back to Howard, just in time to get in on the tail end of the Howard church service.  I had a short meal with Mom 70 x 7 and her husband, Jim, then picked up 2 local pastors (I mean, I went to their homes and provided transportation) and traveled to Independence for meetings that lasted until 5:30 this evening.  Stopped to get a couple of things while in Independence and made it home by 7:00 p.m.  Full, full, satisfying day.  But I always panic when it gets to be late Sunday, cause the school week will begin soon and I have to be totally prepared.  There are no free minutes when you teach in a primary grade.  So.....this evening, I am trying to make sure I am ready to go..........Got a very full week ahead with meetings after school, volleyball games to work, etc. 

Bonnie M.

I've had a busy few days, out in this part of the country.  Friday night, we attended a Blue Grass Festival over at Vista, a neighboring town, and it was great.  The U. S. Navy Country/Bluegrass band was the last band to perform, and it was "out of this world!"  Last evening, we attended a Sunday School class picnic on the lawn of our Church, and had a great meal and played "Bocce Ball"  It was fun, but my team didn't win!  This morning, something very unusual happened!  We had a thunder storm and received close to 2 inches of rain!  That about doubles the amount of rainfall we've had for this year!  It was a "million dollar" rain, as far as we're concerned!  It was a good start to the day, as today is our 59th. wedding anniversary!  Bob and I were married in the living room of Mother and Daddy's home in Longton.  I'll tell you, it doesn't seem like it was 59 years ago!  We drove to Church in the good old rain, we greet and Bob ushers at the 8:00 service, so we get there by 7:30.  Church was good, we're having a Bible study of the Book of Acts, and it's very interesting.  Then, Sunday School, we have a great class, about 45 or 50 of our friends are in our "BYKOTA" Sunday School class. (Be Ye Kind One Towards
nother.)  Then...we drove out to Valley Center to the home of our daughter and son-in-law (both daughters and sons-in-law live in the hills of Valley Center) and Karen had fixed a wonderful meal, ending with homemade ice cream and fresh baked blackberry cobbler!  THEN...she gave us our Anniversary gift, which is a wonderful "Memory Quilt" that she's pieced and had quilted.  It is just "grand!"  I tried to post a picture of it on here, but it didn't do it for me.  I'd selected pictures and printed them out on to fabric that's to be used for such things, and she did the rest, what a day!  I, too, love Sundays!


I am going to start out with yesterday.

We worked late Friday night so we slept till 8:30 Saturday morning, got up , had breakfast and headed to Olpie locker to pick up our processed beef. Then back home and unloaded the meat..loaded the freezer and got ready to go shootin'.
Mark, Danny, Derek, Jerald, Kjell and I all loaded up and went to Flint Oak to shoot sporting clays. Kjell wanted to film it all ..( to make a video)  so we were all loaded with shotguns and he was loaded with camera's.
We had a blast. Shot 100 rounds and although I came in last in the scoring.. Mark only beat me by 1, so I think I held my own pretty good.
The real test will be this next weekend in the dove field. :P
Came home and the kids wanted to go to Flint Oak and eat supper, so I said I would take Mason so they could have a nice dinner w/o a baby to tend to.
Kjell got 2 movies from Larry at the video store, and we had supper and watched them. I rocked Mason until he fell asleep and then I rocked him some more. He is so precious. 

Today I got up , ate some breakfast and worked a bit on the computer.. Took my daily spiritual time and visit with God and the angels.
I have "my church" every day. I just don't go to a building to do it.  Figure God don't care where I talk to long as I talk and he's part of my daily ritual. :)
Then we took a long walk, took the video's back, got 2 more. then ambled over to the Heritage house #2 and poked around there and bought Mason some more odds and end of toys to play and fiddle with. He is grabbing everything and just shaking the tar out of it and if it is hard he ends up whacking his head with it..and just cries.. So I bought him some soft toys that he can flop back and forth and if he hits himself with these, they won't hurt him.
Came home, I cooked round steak, mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh green beans for supper.. ate...had a nap..watched a movie..and then we took another long walk until dark.
It was a quiet day.. Good thing, cause I have a hell of a week looking me in the eye.
But that's okay. Keeps me out of mischief..  ;D
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 Bonnie, congratulations on your anniversary. You must have been 10 when you two got marreid! :D

Janet Harrington

Congratulations, also, Bonnie, on the anniversary.  And what a wonderful daughter-in-law.  You are truly blessed.

Jo McDonald

Well, my day will seem pretty "dull" after reading all of yours.  As usual we got up at 6:30 - while I make the bed Fred makes the coffee, then while I got things started for breakfast he went to town and bought newpapers - an Independence Reporter and a Tulsa World.  While I was finishing cooking breakfast, Sherri called and I cooked, we visited, she wanted to know how I made my home canned tomato juice - so I cooked and instructed - then after breakfast and the kitchen was cleaned up - Fred went out and did the watering of the flowers- raking those hateful cottonwood leaves and tidied up the outside - while I tidied up the inside. I called Sherri back and we chatted some more - then like Teresa, I talk to God, not just on Sundays -- but just when ever I think I have something to tell him, knowing full well, he already knows it, but I talk just the same.  We always have lunch --and after that we usually read..sometimes not for long as we tend to "nod off" in our recliners -- I called my cousin Gene Workman and visited with Eva -Gene was resting - then I called my sister Helen, and we never know when to stop -- then it was time to think about what we were going to have for supper -- I made fresh french fries - a green salad - with our home grown veggies - and grilled ribeye steaks..Fred wanted to know if I wanted some butter pecan ice cream - and I was so full I could only shake my head "no".  A resident of the park came by and I took his money -- cleaned the kitchen AGAIN and now it is time to say nighty nite all.  Have a good week and be kind to yourselves.  I just sent Bonnie a Happy Anniversary greeting to her and Bob -- and she sent me a picture of the beautiful quilt -- it is truly lovely -- She and Bob have two beautiful daughters and a handsome son and much loved inlaws and  grandchildren.  They are great people - we are so proud to call them Friends!!!

Kjell H.

Gosh, Teresa got to tell about our day and I didn't get to say anything.
Marshal Halloway

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