Sandstorm in Iraq

Started by kdfrawg, August 21, 2007, 03:01:33 PM

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Carl Harrod

First I would like to thank Teresa for changing the title.
  I tend to look at things from a soldier's viewpoint and to see something like that tends to make me a little upset. A soldier has an obligation to follow lawful orders even if he or she does not agree or even like them. They can make the choice not to obey, but then they must live with the consequences of that decision. There may be many reasons he or she does not "want" to go to Iraq, but with very few exceptions they will obey orders and go. (And, by the way I don't really think a sandstorm would have even made it on their list.)
  It probably was not the intent but personal views about the war in Iraq did show through in the words chosen as a title. I have heard all too many people make the same statement that they "Support our Troops" but do not support the war that they are fighting in. Let me put this in a slightly different perspective:
To the Police: I support you but I don't support bringing criminals to justice.
To Doctors and Nurses: I support you but I don't support saving lives.
To Teachers: I support you but I don't support the education of my children.
  I guess I am just one of those "otherwise intelligent people" who has a difficult time seeing that line that divides the soldier from the war. In my very small mind since I do REALLY Support our Troops then I must support the war. I may not agree with the way it is being handled but that cannot be allowed to decrease or divide my support for the soldiers and their cause.
My opinion concerning the war: Based on the available information AT THAT TIME, it seemed like the right thing to do. Even if were misled or misinformed the bottom line is that we removed the government, the military and the police in Iraq and we must get that back in place and stabilized  before we leave.
  It seems that my support of "Free Speech" comes into question so I offer the following:
The Oath of Enlistment that I took on numerous occasions
  I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Article one of the Military Code of Conduct
  I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.

Janet Harrington

Carl, that was well put.  I support our troops and I support the war.  I got into a big, big discussion at work with a lady who says we should pull out of the war, we have no business there, we are not improving anything there, we are wasting our time there, on and on and on and on.  Well, you know me.  I kept my mouth shut.  NOT!  I told this lady, "I beg your pardon, but, I do not agree with you at all.  You do not have the facts.  You do not know what is going on there.  You are listening to drive-by media/main stream media and you are making judgements that way."  I plan to print out a few of LTC Green's letters and get them to her to read.  I believe that we need to be there.  I would hate for us to pull out and allow that country to go back to the way it was with a leader killing his own people, etc.  One of her arguments for getting out is that this country has lived this way for thousands of years, fighting with each other, and we should leave them alone.  I said that no country should be allowed to execute their own people, starve their own people, allow inhumane actions against their people, for the leaders personal gain and entertainment.  I don't think she knew what to say.

One of the other people in the room asked her if she had forgotten 9-11.  She didn't have much to say after that.  Oh well.


Glad I am not the only one that gets all riled up on issues..  :-[ :-X

But I agree with you Ta Ta...

I like this saying:

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 Then let's give the troops the really tough, armored equipment they need, not whatever cheap stuff gets thrown their way, by whoever got the contract and puts profit first.  I hate it when I hear my friends talking about the "make do" stuff they attach to their vehicles to try to make them safer.  Then they talk about putting their flack jackets and helmets under the seats of the helicopters, not for storage, but to help them from being shot from beneath.  Let's get the job done over there without the political side handicapping the troops because of how something might "look" to someone else.  If it's handled like Katrina.....well....I was furious when I heard Rumsfeld say, "Ya win the war with what you've got."  WHY! I do understand the need to stay there, even after Bush said we'd be out of there by now.  But it seems so hypocritical to want to "save" the people there, ( who just happen to have oil) yet we don't seen to be interested in other countries who have been terrorizing their own people in the same way for many, many years. Whatever happened to the food for oil plan?  We were supposed to be able to pay for this war with their oil ??? We promised those people their infrastructure would be back in place long before this and there would be promised improvements that have yet to happen.   As long as the people themselves, see themselves as tribal or religious factions first, and Iraqis second, we won't make much headway.   And our troops aren't the same kind that they used to be.  The Governors are not happy that their National Guards have been diluted, or no longer have the equipment they need at home because it has been commandeered.  The ''regular troops" don't seem to have the numbers needed to do the job.  But the states can't say much or their concerns languish in a drawer.  Are we going to invade Iran? North Korea? Sudan? Somalia? Sierra Leone?   With whom and with what?  The other democracies around the world don't seem to be supporting this.  Do we have to go it alone?   Do we need to reinstate the draft?  Can we really play Dutch Uncle to the entire world?  Who deals with the apparent growing problems here?  Illegals, job outsourcing, health care, an aging population, local  terrorism, mind spinning national debt.  It's an awful lot for the average person to be able to digest, even if they can get reliable facts.  Al and I harangue about this a lot and it's almost overwhelming. But everyone seems to agree, talk is easy, opinions are everywhere, facts are scarce and the "doing" part is very hard.


Diane, the aging population?  You touched me there.

Diane Amberg

 Sorry! I meant me too. Our older people shouldn't have to worry about health care and social security. I hate that we're spending kazillons to take care of people in other countries, when we have plenty of people who need help right here. Nobody in this country should have to skip on their meds or have to figure out whether to buy food or their meds. It bothers me when I read about middle aged adults, who are already helping their elderly family members financially, having their jobs out sourced to another country so someone there can have a job. That hurts twice.

Jo McDonald

You said a mouth full, Diane - and I agree.  We have so very many in our own country that are being overlooked by those that are so eager to tell the world what they are doing for those in other countries.  I do not think we need to turn a blind side to others, but we so desperately need to heal the wounds of our own.


Charity begins at home, why not everything else?

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