Where are you from?

Started by W. Gray, August 14, 2007, 03:29:36 PM

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 :laugh: all together now - - - IT'S A SMALL WORLD AFTER ALL

and isn't it wonderful

Janet Harrington

Jo, I'm so glad that Chris told you he saw Jim and I.  I love that kid.  I really miss working with him in law enforcement.  We had a lot of good times together.  I was so shocked to see him at Wal-Mart and, of course, I told him he had my friends, Jo and Fred, working the camp host position.  He really likes you guys.  Chris is good people.  Now, we have mutual friends.  ha ha


Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 15, 2007, 05:59:52 PM
Now, we have mutual friends.  ha ha

sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. I won't say a danged thing!

But you left the door wide open .
Just wanted you to know that I coulda..and I shoulda.. but I didn't!

Teresa       Ta Ta
l l l               0

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Where I live now, a town about the size of Emporia, located about 45 minutes outside of Toronto I'm lucky to find anyone that even knows where Kansas is much less Howard, Kansas.  I've said in the past that I work for a regional police service.  Recently I was making idle conversation with one of our officers that stopped by the office, he being a French Canadian that grew up in the Montreal, Quebec, Canada region and had recently moved to Ontario (the real world).  ("Quebecer's" have a TOTALLY different mindset than the normal general population.)  ANYWAY...he's a really nice guy, easy to chat with and I LOVE his french accent and could listen to him talk all afternoon.  He picked up on the fact that I am American and started questioning me about where I was from.  I told him Kansas.  He perked right up..."where in Kansas".  I told him I grew up in Wichita and that all of my family still lives in the Wichita area.  He just beamed and replied (now remember French Canadian guy) Wichita is one of my very favorite places in the world.  I thought he was joking.  But apparantly some years ago he was a Canadian flight instructor and regularly spent time within the various flight training centers in the Wichita area.  I told him next time I go home I'm taking him home to my mother...she'll love him and his accent!!


Kjell and I recently stayed in a cabin over by Tulsa for one of our filming/working weekends and when we went to the woods to find the owners and check in, and she saw my name.. she told Kjell that someone that worked with her husband ,knew me.. IF I was the Teresa that shot guns. 

She said that when her husband was talking to his coworkers about one of their cabins being rented this weekend from a couple from Kansas, ( he couldn't remember our names) the person piped up and said he knew a Teresa  from Howard.
Well, to cut to the chase... That person was Sam Oakleaf's brother.
They wanted to know if I knew him and I said of course.. that Sam and Becky were some of my best friends.

I thought that was kinda neat.

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 That is really neat. I can't remember where I saw it, but there was an article once by a demographer who stated that by the time you figure out all the people you know and all the people you are related to, and all the places you've lived or been to, its no surprise that people with common lines find each other. That surprised me. Hey Kermit, can you help me with this?


wasn't that a TV show a couple of years ago? something about being 9? degrees from anybody in the world?


I can't speak to that particular proposal, but I know enough statistics theory to know that it is correct. What most people refer to as "coincidence" is always ( A-L-W-A-Y-S ) inside the odds. That is how the odds got to be the odds in the first place.


There's a movie - Six Degrees of Separation - from about 15 years ago.
The theory is that we're all connected to each other, within about 6 contacts.

About the same time, a computer game became popular: 6 Degrees with Kevin Bacon.
That was based on the theory that Kevin Bacon has been in enough films that he could be connected to any actor.

Diane Amberg

   That's it..Those 6 degrees originally came from a demographer and statistician messing around with numbers

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