My girlfriends

Started by Teresa, January 12, 2006, 02:19:04 AM

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I want to share something with everyone.

I have 3 very special girlfriends.
Janet Harrington, Cathy Johnson and Lorie Perkins.
We all got together tonight for our "Posse Night". We ate sandwiches and talked and laughed and as usual
had a wonderful time. We do this we know that we deserve the few hours of time together away from the daily hassles of life. It is a wondeful stress reliever, and I always feel rejuvinated afterwards.

We 4 women call ourselves "The Posse"..(Kjell named us that when Janet gave us all mock Sheriff's badges :police: )
but in fact.. we are more than that.
We are the Steel Magnolias and Ya Ya Sisterhood all put together.

With these women I can dare to be totally myself...hiding nothing.
The laughing ..the crying..the sharing of anything and everything ..good and bad will be
kept within each of us as a whole.. never leaving the circle of trust. The unconditional love and support
we give to each other is a special gift that I will never take for grantide.

I love these women.
We are a kind of friends,who have shared so much laughter, so many tears.
I know,we are not sisters by birth, but sisters,whom destiny has brought together,
by our hearts.

Thank you all my dearest friends for everything.
I do love you.

~Trees / T
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Janet Harrington

And I love you, too, Ms. T.

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