Amana colonies

Started by Rudy Taylor, August 08, 2007, 07:45:51 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Kathy and I traveled to the Amana Colonies in Iowa in June and loved the place. Everything is
German there. Restaurants serve family style meals. Although we're not German, we felt a kindship
with the wonderful folks who cooked the meals and served them at the "dinner halls."

I don't recall souse but I assume it has to do with pickling?
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Isn't that a great place, Rudy?

The three of us were there several years ago, maybe five or six, and absolutely loved it. Did you go into the shop where they make brooms? The wonderful gentleman there taught my daughter how to do it! And the food is just very, very nice. The entire experience was great, from the food, to the brooms, to the furniture factory, and especially the people. Who would have figured I could spent three days in the Amana Colonies?


I have been to the Amana colonies..
Teri, my daughter-in-law and I went there for 4 days.
She had to go on a business trip for Koch Industries and I traveled with her a lot at that time.
We had a great time and the food was scrumptious!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Rudy Taylor

Because we're in the newspaper business, we can't get too far from home for our vacations.  So, we usually head to Branson. We know it well, and we've been going there since we were teen-agers.  But I've always dreamed of taking a little vacation and just relaxing. That's precisely what we did in the Amana Colonies. And, yes, we brought a little broom for our granddaughter.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

 Rudy did you read about souse? I put it over with the recipe section.


I hate to say this, but I think Diane may be getting a little obsessed with souse.

I wonder if we should recommend Souses Anonymous?

But I guess that would get a little confusing.


Rudy Taylor

I say let's get together and get soused!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


In my yoot, I became soused a couple of times. I didn't like it. Now that I'm old, I pretty much forget to drink at all. For the last umpty-ump years, my drinking has consisted of a single neat Scotch, a very good single malt, once a week or so. Now I never remember to do even that.

Were I to remember, I wonder if that would go with souse?

Diane Amberg


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