Hello lovely friends, Ida here

Started by Da Blond, January 12, 2006, 06:00:49 PM

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Da Blond

Gi'day from the arse end of the world, a mighty fine arse if I do say so myself. Now Mother Teresa has told me to keep it clean, ........... as if i wouldnt????
She is so harsh on me you would think I am really bad. I'm not! So u musn't EVER listen to what she says ok???  :angel:
Anyway my name is Ida, I live in New Zealand, in the North Island. I am 47, and have 9 kids, and one beautiful adorable fanatasic, most precious 6 weeks old grandbaby, next to miss Ash of course, ( if I dont say that I will never hear the end of it), and we MUST keep our Treese happy LMAO, Anyway I am married to the man of my dreams. I am a nurse and work mostly with people that are terminal, and I love my job. I get so much back when I give to them what I have, and if we would just take the time to listen to people that are older than us, they have so much to teach us. But in this country, if you're over 70 your useless, and that makes me really pissed, oops I mean angry :'(, ( hitting the floot before I fist flies through the damn pc screen) :police:
Anyway now you know me,... the nice real polite  xx chat along with you all!!!!!
Ida ;D ;D


Well I can't believe that you flew your broom this far into the United States to grace us with your wise words of wisdom.  :D
Seriously, I am thrilled that you showed your crazy self in our small town.
And she is right folks.. I DID tell her ( No.. that is wrong..
I ORDERED her to keep it clean.
I HAD TO! She gave me no choice.  8)

When you see the definition of crazy in the dictionary.. her picture is right there. lol  ;D ol

And yes, she does have "one" of the prettiest grandbabies in the world. And like me.. her kids and her grandchildren are the stars and moon at night and the sun in the day.
Thanks Ida honey for taking the time to stop in and holler at us.
Hey.. by the way.. what is the weather like there? It is summer isn't it?
it was summer time here.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Da Blond

HI Teresa, yes it is summer and hotter than hell at the moment, Shar just brought Chloe over as she is grizzly and we have ac and they dont, i LOVE that, that means i get to have her a LOT hehehehe am i able to post pictures? i have taken lots of the garden, and sent some to people who were miserable coz it was snowing, anyway thankyou for the welcome, now hurry up the rest of you and lets get this thing chatting xxxx Ida

Janet Harrington

At last!!!  We get to meet the infamous Ida.  I have heard Teresa talk about Ida alot for a couple of years now, at least.  I'm glad that someone from the bottom of the earth wants to share her life with us.  How interesting this will be.  Summer in New Zealand.  Winter in Kansas.  What a trade off.  Yes, Ida, post pictures if you can.  We would love to see a garden in the middle of our winter.  And welcome to our forum.

Da Blond

Hi Janet, thankyou for you lovely welcome, i am humbled, you mean she talks about me?? like... nicely?????????? no way really???????????????????? hehehehehehe love u teresa and love winding you up, your such a nice gal :P :P yup it is summer here, adn beautiful, we had a funeral today, one of my girls i look after, bless her, she was 87 normal one day nutty as a fruit loop the next, so i am glad for her that she has gone on her way to whereever we may go, she had the coolest coffin i have ever seen, she was a mad garderner, i mean she won shows, the works and her husband found her a casket covered in trees nad flowers, is was beautiful, seemed a shame for it to go in the ground lolol i have att a few flowers from my garden, and some blue sky is on the way, xxx Ida

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