Kansas High Spots

Started by W. Gray, August 05, 2007, 09:03:17 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Are the "rolls" you have been talking about, the Dawes Rolls?

Rudy Taylor

Well, I don't know for sure.  But I'll find out and report back tomorrow. We've always just called them the Cherokee Rolls.

But me? I like hot rolls, cinammon rolls and drum rolls.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I don't know whether it's easier or more difficult for me, Rudy. My mother, of course, should know my heritage better than anyone. She was there, after all. And she absolutely insisted that I was, and I quote, "Half Dutch, Half English, Half Irish, and half-assed."


Marcia Moore

     I have a book, the Dawes Roll "Plus" by Bob Blankenship.  It is a Cherokee Roots Publication.  -- It includes the 1898 Dawes Roll plus Guion Miller Roll information for those that were on both rolls.  One can look forward in time from 1898 to the 1906 Guion Miller Roll and see such things as a 1906 surname change brought about by marriage, divorce, or adoption.  Also ages, addresses, relationships, Miller Roll number, Miller application number, etc.  This, in addition to all information provided in the original 1898 Dawes Roll.  All 36,714 Cherokee Nation Citizens of Cherokee Blood are included.  The book is 216 pages long.
     I also have the book, the Guion Miller Roll "Plus," listing those of the Eastern Cherokee nation, by Bob Blankenship.  It, too, is a Cherokee Roots Publication.  -- It includes the 1909 Guion Miller Roll plus the 1898 Dawes Roll information for those that were on both rolls.  In addition, it includes all applicants for the Miller Roll, both accepted and not accepted for the Court of Claims settlement.  One can look backward in time from 1906 to the 1898 Dawes Roll and find such items of information as Dawes Roll number, census card number, degree of Cherokee blood, and surname in 1898.  It is 276 pages long.


Are those regular books-for-sale, Marcia? I can't imagine that there are a lot of Bob Blankenships in the Midwest and I grew up with one. I believe I'll take a look.


Irish, too, Rudy?  I recently found out that I am more Irish than I thought, on both sides.

Diane Amberg

 Rudy, for you I can do a drum roll, a couple of flam para-diddles and twirl the cymbals too!  Freudian cymbals no less.

Marcia Moore

I got my books from the Cherokee Nation at Talequah, OK.  My husband is part Cherokee, so I bought the books to see if any of his ancestors were possibly on one of the Cherokee rolls. 

Rudy Taylor

Diane, I knew you'd be into cymbalism.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Oh, Rudy, super-groan!

That was nearly perfect!


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