New Look to the "Home" page

Started by Mom70x7, August 04, 2007, 03:12:19 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Pitsy Sue I do love you,
legs and all, you're two foot two!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I once made up a similar song for Patricia. Everyone sang along. Of course, we had been drinking margaritas on the patio. ;o)

My song was probably not as good as your song.



But I am sure that Rudy's could be sang/sung/ singed?  in mixed company..  ::)
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


LOL! Why, Teresa, you do me a disservice! I swear only infrequently. I am a bit bawdy only on occassion. Generally, I am the epitome of good behavior.

:angel: ;D :angel:


Methinks thou protesteth too much.


Why, Wilma, do you mean little old me?

< where are the batting-eyebrow smilies when you need them? >


Rudy Taylor

So, does this mean frogs have eyebrows?
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

Yeh, I wondered about that, and isn't it eye lashes that get batted, not eye brows? But then again, it is a frog....


I don't think you'd want to bat a frog's eyebrows unless you were planning on frog-legs for supper... :-\

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