New Look to the "Home" page

Started by Mom70x7, August 04, 2007, 03:12:19 PM

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Kjell H.

Evenin' ladies and gents!

Thanks for the comments on this thread and PMs.

I will not bore you with technical stuff to answer why we did this and why we didn't do that. If I did, most of you would fall asleep, me included.  :D

The simple truth is that this change was done to make it easier for "ME" to add some new features and do some upgrades in the months to come. Pure convenience for yours truly.  :P

At the same time, I accommodated those who wanted a better site menu and added it on top of the forum. Many users go right to the forum instead of the home page and did not see the link page, contact page, video page, etc.

Should have been done a looooong time ago. I just haven't had the time to do it.

We have also added a direct link to Flint Hills Express and I will explain that one. Flint Hills Express as a newspaper is about community building and in a much broader perspective than our small web community can produce. We are not in competition and there is a long list of reasons why we should compliment each other.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Marshal Halloway


Sorry, I don't like having to scroll from side to side. I will see about resetting the pixels, but not sure about it.

Rudy Taylor

Here's a little hint to those of us who are non-technical.

I use my "return" key to keep the text within the message box. I assume it comes
through that way on the other end ... not sure. But that's what I did with this very message.
If I'm correct ... and it's entirely possible that I'm not ... you won't have to scroll right and
left to read it.

Kjell and Teresa, thank you for putting up this site which is entirely at your personal
expense. We pay nothing for it!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


I must have the best of both worlds---a bigger screen and the knowledge to know what to do with it.  I like the format and it fits great....and if I want to go to something else, I just do it.  And I can multi-task also.  I am standing here in front of my computer with a broom and dusting off my desk and reading all at the same time!  ;D   What more could a person want?  Thank you for everything you do........You know that saying about a "gift horse."   Bless your talents.


I love everything about this forum.  I'm not into multi-tasking after 2:30 P.M. on weekdays unless it's being on here while the laundry is washing or supper is cooking.  Slow down and smell the roses.


I continue to like the tweaking you guys are doing -
now it's the minor rearrangement of the different boards and the additions.

Well done!!!!!!

Judy Harder

I learned how to resize my pixels.

It is easy and hopefully it won't make anything else on my computer get crazy.
I can handle just so much "corn-fusion" with out my brain crashing..

Keep up the good work. You do a good job.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Diane Amberg

 Well, I must be doing something wrong, because I have had NO problem at all, and that isn't like me!  :laugh:

Rudy Taylor

If you have not problems, that means you have a Macintosh!

(I say things like that to make techies like Kjell and Kermit mutter to themselves.)

It truly is "a wonderful life."

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