Longton Anyone?

Started by Carol (aka Nana 02), July 27, 2007, 07:09:44 PM

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The cafe I remember was on the west side of the street near the grocery store. The other restaurant I remember on our trips was the Wig Wam. I think the people that owned the restaurant at Elk Falls right after the curve had it too. They were the ones that introduced me to chef salads. I used to get so car sick my parents didn't want to feed me much. I guess they figured less input equaled less output. HA! The chef salads seemed to sit better than hamburgers and I felt so grown up not eating hamburgers like a child. Yeah right.

Jo McDonald

The first owners of the cafe on the west side that I remember the best was Hook and Bonnie Allen...and when Fred and I got married in May of 1947 we left the Longton area but we didn't have enough money to eat anywhere but home.
I would insert a LOL but believe me --- that was not a funny, it was sad and serious.
Hope Green Franks Hayden is Myrna Winn's aunt.  This I will tell about Hope and Louie Franks --- we lived just about 3/4 of a mile east of  the Greens'  farm.  I was 5  and Helen was 3 and Hope and Louie got married and ask Mama and Daddy permission to -  get this - TAKE HELEN WITH THEM ON THEIR HONEYMOON  -- And they did.  I have thought of this so often, but Helen was an adorable child [then lol ] and they both just loved her.  If my memory serves me right she got homesick and cried quite a lot.  Jack and I didn't get asked to go, and I remember that my nose was a little out of joint over that.  Helen still keeps in touch with Hope.  Now back to the business at hand....I can't be of much help, Bonnie, because as I said, I didn't get to eat out very often and my brain cells have got a bit rusty.
Lots of fond memories of Longton though.


Jo, I've never heard that story before!  I'll have to ask Mother about that.  Aunt Hope had the cafe (s) probably late 1950's and into the 1960's.  After she married Max Hayden, they moved to La Fountain for several years and then to Rose Hill.  After he passed away, Lenora moved her to Oxford.  She turned 93 this past May.  She has been in a nursing home for a number of years and unfortunately, doesn't seem to know us.  I still send her goodies at special times during the year and cards, and Mary takes Mother to visit her.  Sad isn't it?

Bonnie M.

Jo, I had never heard the story that Helen went on their honeymoon with them, either!  What a deal!  And, by the way, it was Bess Harris I was trying to recall who had the cafe in Longton, and was also a good pie maker.  If only Virgil Allen was still alive, he could tell us everything about everything, he had a brilliant knack for remembering events and names.

And, by the way, I didn't win the quilt that Velva Hoyt made as a fundraiser for the Fair Association in Longton.  Jack wrote and said that Rose Puckett was the lucky winner.  Rose is Elmer Cooks daughter, she would be Gladys Jones's granddaughter.  Lucky girl! 

Carol (aka Nana 02)

I remember the Cafe when it was owned by the Nicholes. I remember we used to go in there and get the soft serve icecream.
I also remember the Wig Wam, we  put alot of quarters in the juke box and pool table there, oh the Pac-Man too!! I always remembered the grocery store being owned by the Troutmans and the Crowells had one for a short time too.

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