Started by Wilma, August 01, 2007, 10:31:25 AM

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Sally, that is funny.  Yes, it has happened to me quite often, or my hip on the corner of the dresser.  That hurts, too.


(((Ahhh one of  my favorite subjects) :)

"They" pop in and out all the time. These spirits don't necessarily have to be earth bound to be around us. Some are and some aren't.. Pets come in and out to be with us, but then again.. when we need them. I have heard Taffy's bell on her collar many a night at the end of my bed.
Animals see and sense 'others'.
Babies and children under 3 usually still have not lost the gifts to see all that is there.
Mason giggles and 'talks/coos' to people all the time that I can not see.. but I feel them at times.
I smelled bread the other day for about 10 seconds.. so I knew that my Grandma W. was popping in to see me and Mason. And he was looking at the wall staring and smiling when this occurred, so I'm sure she was there and he could see her.

In fact if you only experience their presence occasionally, they are most likely, living on the other side and NOT earth bound. They usually are loved ones or people from the other side who are checking in on you, out of love. Most come in our dreams ( or what we think is our dreams) between 2-5 in the this is when we are in a full alpha state. They can get through to us better then. In other words, when our minds are not cluttered with the noise and confusion of earthly things.
The ones we see that are not our relatives.. are spirits who sometimes are earth bound, ( they don't know or won't accept  that they are dead) and are attached to the 'location' of a place. They do not see what is there now, they only live in the dimension that 'was'. If you see them a lot, tell them to follow the light and go home. That loved ones are waiting for them in the light.
But then sometimes what you are actually seeing or hearing is the imprint that they have left. All things are energy , and energy never dies.. some energies are  stronger than others , so therefore they leave a HUGE amount.. but generally this is objects. Watch carefully what you buy at old estate sales, for sometimes there are imprints n them that you will carry into your home.
( Gettysburg items have tons of imprints on them with data documented of all kinds of sounds and images coming from them)

Sometimes the one you will feel or see is your spirit guide ( who.. in pre-agreement in spirit , agreed to take on the full time job of guiding you ) When you make those decesions to do this or that and they work out right and some people say' Wow, I just had a 'gut feeling'.......
Better thank your guide for talking loud in your ear..and give yourself credit for listening and acting.   Generally you will feel your guide on your right side and they are with you every second of every day from the second you were born the time you cross over. Then you have angels who watch over you.. which are not the same as your spirit guide.
And there are different levels and degree of angels  to call on when you need extra help.

Angels are a whole other topic that I can really get started on.. but I imagine I have talked too much already.. :-[ sorry.
.. but I have studied spiritual parapsychology pretty heavy for the past 20+ years and have so many many personal experiences..that I kind of get carried away..

I try really hard to keep this side of me 'quiet and in check'.. but sometimes I just forget..............
***tucking my tail and tiptoeing away***
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


When I was pregnant with my eldest son I saw an old man several times and thought I was living in a haunted house saw him again when I was pregnant with son #2 but when he showed up again when I was pregnant with my daughter I decided he had to be a family member because by then I had left England and my "haunted house" behind.
When my Daughter was 20 months old my sister in law gave birth to a preemie with severe heart problems I was at home acting as liasion between my mother in law at the hospital and the rest of the family My daughter had been laid down for her afternoon nap when all of a sudden she woke up and said hello to someone she was talking and smiling then she said "OK" and "bye" then she went back to sleep. 10 minutes later Mom called from the hospital to say that Tony had passed on while in his mothers arms. Later that day when they all stopped in on the way home from the hospital my daughter who usually attacked her grandfather first when he came in ran right up to her aunt gave her a big hug and told her "baby said love you mom" then she sat on her aunts lap for the whole visit something she had never done before and never did again.


The house at 129 Ceder was owned by Dr. Depuew,JD Tarwater and Rex Tarwater. After Robert had been gone for several years and we were spending every weekend in Howard. I told Rex that I kept smelling cigar smoke. If course he told me I was crazy.
Well on Saturday about 9:00am we were standing in the kitchen and you could again smell cigar smoke,Rex ask me if I could smell the smoke, if course I could but had not said anything. Rex still not sure walked out side to see if anyone was burning anything. He walked back in the house  and said "That is Rex Tarwaters cherry cigar smoke."
I have also been in the kitchen when I can smell Helens perfume, she always wore the same kind so I knew it was her.
Of course being part indian, I believe in these things.
Army Mom


Sunflower, to go back to your comment about being watched at other times.

The feeling I had about someone having just left the downstairs happened several times as I was usually the first to enter the house thru the back door.  I had placed some boxes in the middle of the downstairs bedroom to be put away later and I had the distinct impression that someone had just been looking in the boxes.  This is a feeling that is hard to explain.  It is just there.  And the being watched was usually from the stairway, sometimes with the impression that someone had just ascended the stairs.

And as to cats looking at something that isn't there, I am sure they are seeing something.  My Bud has several times come from the hall looking back like he was seeing something that he didn't understand.

Another tom cat that I had was in the habit of lying on my feet if I was lying on the divan.  One day he came up spitting and clawing like he was fighting something.  My husband said he had been looking at the window and might have seen a dog outside.  It was strange.

And then there is the possibility that looking into space is something that cats do to annoy their people.

Judy Harder

I really like this thread.

I have had strange things happen that couldn't be explained.

My folks felt they had a ghost in their house and because Mom told my dad's cousin and he laughed at her, she always called it Lester, after him.
Not long after that Lesters  wife said they now had a ghost in their house and they named it George, after my dad.

They shared with each other just what George or Lester had done each time they visited.

Not scarey, just company. Dad did a lot of shift work.....Mom hated him working midnights and stayed up all night because she was  afraid to sleep with out dad there with her.......and that was when Lester would come visit.

I have had things fall or get dropped and nothing was  there......(that I could see). Just feelings.
Keep the stories coming. I like them.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


OK, Judy, here is one of my favorites.

My grandmother (Elsie) died Sept. 6, 1945.  My grandfather (Sam) was bedfast with lung cancer at the time.  He was being cared for in his home.  With a son living across the driveway and 3 other children within 15 miles, there was plenty of help in caring for him.  We lived within the 15 miles and my mother was quite often at the home.  One day, while she was sitting beside his bed he started calling out, "Elsie.  Elsie."  Then he turned to my mother and asked her why Elsie wouldn't turn around and talk to him.  He said she was just across the room.  He died a few days later on Oct. 16, 1945.  My mother always said that Grandma was just waiting for Grandpa to go with her.


My other 3 daughters have stories, too.  One of them works night shift in a nursing home and the other 2 both used to work at the Winfield State Hospital.  The 2 at the Winfield State Hospital might be about the same "whatever".  I will have to have them tell their stories again before I try to relate them here.


My grandparents were the same way.

My grandma passed away in February due to complications from an auto accident. Grandad passed in May. Everyone thought that Grandad would be the first to go because he had so many different health concerns, but we believe they were destined to be together, even in the afterlife, because God took Grandma first so Grandad wouldn't have to wait for her.

Janet Harrington


How well I remember that.  I went to your Grandma's funeral.  That was a hard one for me because I used to joke around with her and your Grandpa all the time.  It was sad because your Grandpa could not be there.

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