Lila's Cafe in Piedmont

Started by Rudy Taylor, July 31, 2007, 06:39:40 PM

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Another good place to eat is the Beaumont Hotel.  We often dive up there for breakfast with Mother and meet relatives for breakfast.  It's fun to watch the planes fly in from all over and pull right up to the hotel.  Sometimes, there are big groups of motorcyclist up there.  They often have weekend retreats and camp out around the hotel.  The old water tower that the Frisco trains used is still standing and I believe is on the National Historical Register.  Anyway, try it sometime.  Sally, I'll bet you have eaten there too, since you are from Latham, even though you have many ties to Elk Falls and some ties to Howard too!!!!!



I really was disappointed that they closed..
I was wanting to eat there ..
And when I go to a specialty  type of place that serves "different" food, I never order a hamburger anyway.
I can have hamburgers at home that far exceed anything in a cafe.

I always get something different.
Guess it is a lesson..
You snooze, you lose!
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

W. Gray

I flew, as a passenger, into the Beaumont Hotel once. It was quite unsettling, to me anyway, because the plane had to land uphill.

Taxiiing down city streets, stopping at stop signs etc., was neat. If I recall correctly, autos had the right of way except when meeting a plane head on. We might have followed city streets for three blocks or so. As I recall there were two parking lots, one for cars and one for planes.

The McConnell AFB Aero Club sponsored the trips taking three civilian employees or Air Force types at a time in one of their small planes. It was supposed to be a lunch hour trip but usually took longer than that.

We made a donation to the Aero Club and the club pilot furnished his services at no charge.
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


Teresa, I agree with you.  I often wonder when we are sitting in a nice restaurant and someone comes in, takes 30 min. to read the menu then orders a hamburger and fries.  As you said, you can have those at home.  Course maybe they were readinig from right to left, I don't know.  But, you get what you pay for.

W. Gray

I do enjoy a good hamburger, especially in a country setting.

The Elk Falls Cafe had good food each time I went there. I especially liked their pulled pork. But apparently, people were wanting something different or they would have kept coming. Of course, all the fine folks ahead of them closed also.

It looks as though I might have frequented the hamburgerless Elk Falls Cafe more than some of the locals .
"If one of the many corrupt...county-seat contests must be taken by way of illustration, the choice of Howard County, Kansas, is ideal." Dr. Everett Dick, The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890.
"One of the most expensive county-seat wars in terms of time and money lost..." Dr. Homer E Socolofsky, KSU


I'm not real sure the girls couldn't make it or just decided to take on other projects in their lives.  Yes I've ate at the Beaumont Hotel.  Another good place to eat is at the Little Hooker west of Burden.

Diane Amberg

   Do I dare ask where that name came from?


< smile >

When I lived in Moss Beach, there was a nice little café in Half Moon Bay called The Happy Cooker.


Rudy Taylor

Whoaa! Slow it down. I'm still getting used to Toots in Howard.

But I sure do like the place.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

I believe that the girls running the Elk Falls Cafe just had too many other things in their lives to make a go of the cafe.  They are wonderful cooks as is Steve.  When Steve had his little BBQ place at Elk Falls in that trailer, I would go there as often as I could.  However; one had to be careful about eating there too often.  I could easily have gained 50 lbs from eating Steve's cooking.

The Edwards family are all so very, very close and family comes first with them.  It is amazing that they are still so close even though the mom and dad are now gone.  You couldn't find anyone like Steve to do your cooking.

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