Light on Main Street, by Rudy Taylor

Started by Kjell H., July 31, 2007, 07:35:50 PM

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Janet Harrington

In memory of Dale Brenner.  That is really nice because that is just what Dale was, small town Kansan.


 :-\ hate to admit this, but I do not own, nor have I read Rudy's book.  However, reading these postings, (trying to, anyhow, have had three phone interruptions), as I was saying, reading these postings, I gotta go get the book.  Think Batson's may still have some, hope so anyhow.  Then I can get the "author's" autograph at the gathering.  How good is that!  :D

Rudy Taylor

Well, shucks.  You all make me feel so good.

And, Janet, your car CD player will work fine as long as it's an Mp3 player.  All new cars (made
the past two years, at least) include the Mp3 feature.

Or, as a second option, I could ride to work with you and just read it aloud.  (You wouldn't dump
me at the prison, would you?)

It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

My car is a 2006 Toyota Matrix, so I hope it will work in there.  Not that I wouldn't like to have you come and read it aloud on the way to work and on the way home.  How many days would you have to ride with me to get the book read?  Remember, I always ask questions, so you would be interrupted many many times.

As for dumping you at the prison, I wouldn't do that.  It would be a hoot to have you shadow me at work for a whole day.  However; I doubt that the officials would allow that because of liability purposes.  ha  I think it would be fun, though.

Jo McDonald

Rudy - as fond as I am of Janet   ummmmmmmmmm  why don't you just tell her how sorry you are that you will be unable to ride to work with her and read aloud on the way--- you never knw, just one little slip of the lip and you may be wearing Orange Jumpsuits...Ohhh  dear me, we DO NOT WANT OUR AUTHOR wearing orange.
    :o :o :o :o


oh I don't know Mama.. orange is nice .. ( if you're a pumpkin.. ) :) And maybe they would give Rudy one of those matching "Press hats" in that color too.  :police:

Quote from: Janet Harrington on August 14, 2007, 08:15:27 PM

Remember, I always ask questions, so you would be interrupted many many times.

Does she ever............. ::) Can't get a story told  without her questions and just "having to know" all the details.. 
Jeepers..... never in all my born days have I ever known anyone any more nosy. or wanting to get in on the scoop.  ::)

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


Rudy Taylor

I love the way Janet takes the brunt of kindly-intentioned jokes on the forum.  It's funny, my past
experiences with Janet were almost all by telephone and e-mail while she was Elk County Sheriff,
although I did get to meet her on several occasions.

I remember going to the courthouse late one night after some doins at the Cox Building, and we
started talking and swapping stories. I was really late getting home that night, which was OK.

Wasn't there a friendly courthouse dog in her quarters? I think I remember that.

Anyway, you're all so cruel to Ta Ta and I've enjoyed joining your circle. This is fun!

I sent Janet and Wilma a book and CD this morning. The woman who sends out my books is
actually in our Oswego newspaper office and she handed me the book to sign. "Do you know
somebody named Ta Ta?" said asked.

I responsed, "Yep, that's my friend Janet. Don't say anything bad about me to Ta Ta because
she always defends me."

Still, I like the way Teresa rip her, and vice versa.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


There were 2 friendly dogs at the sheriff's office at different times.  Both German Shepherds.  Sam was the first one.  He was friendly except when he perceived Janet as being threatened.  He never left me from a visit without getting in at least one kiss, when I was least expecting it.  The second one was Fritz.  He was friendly enough except for the same reason Sam wasn't.

Colonel is the current German shepherd in resident.  He is just one big friendly dog.  Not an unfriendly bone in his body. I don't see much of him.  We can't have him and Bud in the same room and since Bud lives here Colonel doesn't come to visit much.  They were within reach of each other once, but Janet touched Colonel on the hip and he stopped.  That gave her time to get to Bud.  Bud was ready to whip the big bad dog but I am glad he didn't get to.  Might have been traumatic.

Rudy Taylor

Thanks, Wilma, for that info. I do remember being a bit scared ... but mostly of that talkative sheriff! The dog
didn't bother me at all.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

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