Light on Main Street, by Rudy Taylor

Started by Kjell H., July 31, 2007, 07:35:50 PM

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Nope, it's the book. I have been reading it in that twilight period when it get halfway pleasant to read out on the deck, but is almost too dark to read. I am taking my time. When it's over, I will miss it, and we'll have to get Rudy to write another one.


Rudy Taylor

Thanks so much, everybody.  I think this will be my first and last book.

My next project is to write a screen play with "Light On Main Street" as the theme. It will be written as a television series but entirely for my own entertainment. I'd just like to play with the theme, see what I can develop then drop the script in a wooden box that I moved to our attic years ago. There it will gather dust and someday be thrown away, along with a half dozen old pipes that I once smoked, a photo of me standing on my head atop a 1951 Mercury, and an old draft card from the 1960s with my name on the front.

As for the screenplay,  it won't be silly enough for Hollywood to consider.
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Quote from: Rudy Taylor on August 04, 2007, 06:58:16 PM

As for the screenplay,  it won't be silly enough for Hollywood to consider.

Then perhaps 'it' should be made in Kansas, by Kansans, for Kansans -- rather than put to sleep - never to shine?  C'mon Rudy. Think BIG.

Rudy Taylor

I learned long ago to realize my limitations, and this definitely would be among them.

I'd just like to play with a different type of writing.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Jo McDonald

Rudy, as I posted earlier that Teresa and Kjell had loaned me their copy of "your book".  When I got it home, I told Fred that I was going to read it and for him NOT to pick it up and start reading it until I had finished...because, I did not want to have to wait when I had a minute to read.  So he very graciously granted me my request -- but once or twice he would say, "Are you about finished with the book"?  Well, I savored every page and related to many of them.  As soon as I said, "I finished reading Light On Mainstreet", he said "Here", and held out his hand.  He read it through and was as pleased with it as I was.
   THANK YOU, RUDY -- and Thank you Kjell and Teresa.


Rudy Taylor

Thanks, Jo.  I recently sent a copy of the book to Diane Amberg, and I sent a full page of apologies for it.  For a "purist" reader, the book surely is a light-weight read. There are only two things I can about "Light On Main Street:"  It is a book, and I wrote it.

I can tell from Diane's posts that she's quite well-read, can't you?

Anyway, thanks so much.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Diane Amberg

  Now I am totally embarrassed.  Rudy, the book arrived yesterday and I love it. There is nothing to apologize for!. I haven't finished it yet, but it is exactly what it needs to be. The title is perfect and a good pun too. "Light'' as in illumination, and also "light" as in unassuming, uplifting, gentle and fun, and of course, the physical light showing through the the window of a very hard working person.  Now I feel that you all think I'm an intellectual snob. I don't mean to be at all. If I have taken my kidding around too far, then I deeply apologize. I did work part time at a little printing business years ago.( Printr's (sic) Ink. I worked in the bindery and did some editing and copy proof reading. My girlfriend, who worked there full time, eventually went on her own and started Communigraphics, which is still thriving today. I helped her a there a bit too. Also, together we did the fire and ambulance fund drive for 25 years. I wrote the copy and took the photos, she helped me with the layout, paste up, and printing. I learned a lot from her. Rudy, your next book should be "Llght From The Dairy Barn. It could be a collection of fun stories about the long days of the dairy farmer and goofy things related to cows.   Then, Light From The Hen House......only kidding, honest!   :laugh: 


Your feelings about the book are much the same as mine, Diane. And one thing that you said is perfect, absolutely perfect: "it is exactly what it needs to be." And so it is.



NO kidding, Diane, I think that is a wonderful idea.  Quite suited to this area.  It could be as big a hit as "The Cowpokes".  Think about it, Rudy.

Diane Amberg

 I finished Rudy's delightful book today and I have only one complaint....It's 50 pages too short!  I really wasn't ready for it to be over.  It ended in a very nice way, but I would have liked more.  Rudy can there be a Part Two in a few years? 

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