Light on Main Street, by Rudy Taylor

Started by Kjell H., July 31, 2007, 07:35:50 PM

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Kjell H.

If some of you have not read ... or listened to Light on Main Street, a book written by our very own Rudy Taylor, you have something to look forward to.

I read it.... a couple of weeks ago and it was a treat. It has been a long time since I started reading a book and decided that I will spend the hours reading it all the way through.

One of my favorite chapters is called "Skip the Milk".

Rudy has given us permission to let you all listen to a track from the CD that comes with this book.

I know copies are available at Batsons in Howard and can also be ordered here:

Click on the play button below and enjoy an intro by Rudy and a chapter read by his daughter Jenny. If you are using Internet Explorer, you may need to click twice to get it to play.


Marshal Halloway

Diane Amberg

   Rudy, your book sounds wonderful. I want one. I'll sent a check and a note soon. Will you autograph it for me?

Kjell H.

The player has been updated with a new intro.

Marshal Halloway


I am reading the book. It is absolutely wonderful.



I received a copy of the book last year for my birthday as a gift from my sister there in Howard.  I must say, it is quite interesting and even thought I didn't have the time to devote to reading it at one sitting, I could hardly wait until I could get back to read some more.


Rudy Taylor

Diane, I'll be back in my office tomorrow and I'll send you an autographed copy.

You folks surely know how to make an old editor feel good.

It truly is "a wonderful life."


This book is one that makes you feel all warm and calm and nostalgic inside.
The perfect way to read this is to put your bath robe on, make yourself a cup of coffee, hot tea, or hot chocolate.. get comfortable on the divan and just tune the real world out and take a trip to when "times were different".
I love it, and you will definitely not be sorry you bought this one to enjoy.

Rudy... you did gooood.
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

Diane Amberg

 I'm really looking forward to reading it.


A copy of this book has been dedicated to the Howard City Library in memory of Dale Brenner, who passed away a couple of weeks ago.  It has been checked out several times already.

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