Info Please (1)

Started by dandymomma, September 23, 2007, 12:28:02 AM

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I think Harmony is the perfect name. I wish you many blessed years in your new home. That church was honestly, the "happiest" church I've ever been in. Some places just "feel" good, you know??? I can remember holding Grandma's hand and singing. We mostly sat in the third pew on the "passenger side". I liked to be up close, probably because I didn't wear my glasses as much as I was supposed to. Grandma would fan herself with paper and mop her forehead with her hankie, but no matter how hot she was, she always held my hand when we sang.


Indygal, my guess is that if you contact Juanita Anderson who still lives in Howard she can tell you all you might want to know about the church.  Her parents were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Anderson and they also attended that church.  Juanita was my school teacher from 5th through 8th grade, and she is a WONDERFUL person.  Juanita's mother was also a good cook and also cooked for the school lunch system there in Howard. 

Juanita used to make the best brownies and would sometimes bring them to school for a treat.  I can't say enough about what a great person and school teacher she was!

Melba Crismas George is a sister to Shirley Wunderlich.  The Crismas' ran a grocery store in Severy when she was growing up.  There were 2 boys and 2 girls.  They left Severy when Melba was probably 7th or 8th grade.


Janet Harrington

I knew the Shirley Wunderlich had been a Crismas.  Her folks moved back to Howard for their last years.  Her dad was a very large man.  He went to the nursing home.  Her mother passed away before dad did and we all thought that he would pass first.  Anyway, Shirley's family was related to the Crismas' that still had a grocery store in Severy when I was young.  My grandmother was friends with Mrs. Crismas who was a large woman.  This grocery store was where the city hall, fire department and ambulance barn are now.

However; these Crismas' were not Shirley's parents.  Must have been an uncle.

Diane Amberg

 Janet, the ambulance "barn?''  Your poor ambulance is relegated to a barn?... with the chickens....and the cows... Well, I do declare!  No wonder your first ambulance was an old hearse!  Such disrespect!  ;D ;D ;D


Ambulance barn is what the building that houses the ambulances has been called as long as I can remember.  Don't know where it started but sounds right around here.  Actually the building in Severy is a new metal building that has no resemblance to a barn.  The chickens and cows should be so lucky as to have a barn like that one.  One of the pecularities of the area.  Sure would like to know how ambulance barn got started.

Marcia Moore

     Alva and Wilma Crismas (DeeGee's parents) ran the grocery store at Severy where the City Hall is now located.  They purchased the store from Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Markel in May 1962 and ran the business at least until 1973 before selling it to the Lunsfords.   


Leonard Markel was an uncle of Pat Allen's.  The Markel's were lovely people.  They were in the grocery store across from Peyton's when I was in high school.  Spent some lunch breaks just visiting with Leonard and Edna. 

Alva and Wilma Crismas were DeeGee's parents.  They lived 1/2 mile east of us at one time and oh my, we had some good times visiting.  The adults played pitch, we popped popcorn.  They were really nice people.  I went to school with all 4 of their children.


Dee Gee

Shirley and Melba's parents were Everett and Lucille Crismas, who owned and operated a grocery store on the west side of the street in Severy in the early 1950's prior to moveing to Erie and running a store there until retirement when they moved back to Howard for the rest of their lives.  Everett was an older brother to Alva Crismas.
Learn from the mistakes of others You can't live long enough to make them all yourself

Jo McDonald

Everett and Lucille bought Richard and Reola Reid's home on Washington street after the Reid's moved into their new home.  Lucille and my Mother went to school together in Severy.


I attended a church service at the Church of Christ one time when I was a child with my great uncle, Clark Foster of Elk Falls, KS.  I don't remember how old I was but I am guessing it would have been somewhere around 1960 when I was 8 or 9 years old.   I don't remember the pastor, but I did know Earl Nimrod from Independence who did paster there at one point.  He was a very kind person who also did duty as a school guard crossing out at the grade school across the street south of the Independence High School. 
She never stirred the stars from their courses.  But she loved a good man, and she rode good horses.

(Forgot the name of the author, just always liked the quote)

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