Longton Anyone?

Started by Carol (aka Nana 02), July 27, 2007, 07:09:44 PM

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Carol (aka Nana 02)

I see this board started out as a Howard Forum then became an Elk County Forum. Is there anyone else on this board from Longton ? Or could anyone tell me if Longton has such a board? I really enjoy reading all the stories here (especially the good old days). i'm just not real familiar with the names and places in the Howard area. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Carol  (aka Nana 02)

I havent lived in the area since 1980 but was back to visit about 10 years ago when I still had family in Longton & my parents were in Howard for about 2 years before moving back to Pineville, Mo to be closer to all of their childern.

Janet Harrington


Judy Harder is from Longton.  I'm sure she will read your post.  I'm sure there are some others, but I can't recall them right now.

The reason you see so much about Howard names is because the research that has been done has been from the old Howard and Severy papers.  I'm sure eventually we will get to some Longton, Elk Falls, Grenola, and Moline stuff.

Carol (aka Nana 02)

Carol (aka Nana 02)

Seems like I went to school with a girl named Robin Harder any relation??

Janet Harrington


Go to this post and read about Judy

« Reply #108

Bonnie M.

Hi, "Nana 02."  (You're going to hearing from Judy soon, I just know that!)

I used to live in Longton, and still go back there a lot and have a genuine interest in the people, the town and all that goes on there.  It's pretty much a "life-time" connection, I guess you'd say.  My husband and I both graduated from Longton High School, as did our three children, my two sisters and my brother.

Since you were in school when Robin was, you are younger than our children.

Stay tuned in!

Judy Harder

here I am!
sorry, I almost didn't come in  here before I shut the computer down for the evening.

Yes, my daughter is Robyn Harder. She graduated in 82 I believe.
Don't quote me......but that has to be it......cause my oldest son graduated in 81 and youngest graduated in 84.....so that would be it.

Were you in her class?  Glad you are on here.
I don't know of any other Longton-ite on here besides Bonnie.....but then I don't know all the nick names, either.

Welcome aboard and if you have questions I will try to answer them.......you may email me if you would like.

Welcome   and Hugs to you......God bless.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


My dad's family (the Zollars) was from Longton. We visited there a lot when I was growing up. We visited the cemetery a lot as a BUNCH of my family and ancestors are buried there. This was followed by a visit to the homestead. Last I new there was still a sign over the gate to the place. I think the Persingers own it now. My mom and dad are buried in what I sarcastically call the swamp down on the nw end. We would also visit my cousins the Jones. I have good memories of the pie at the Longton Cafe and the awesome barbecue and bean feeds at the fair. We went every year when I was growing up. I have tried to get back there since we moved back to the area but have never made it.

Rudy Taylor

nana02 ...

Hey, you can be from anyplace on earth and still be a part of this little forum community. Once you get acquainted, you'll be amazed to find that one girl checks in from New Zealand. I live in Caney. I would dare say that a third of us live elsewhere, but all have some connection to Elk County.

Welcome aboard.
It truly is "a wonderful life."

Janet Harrington

Extremely well put, our Rudy.

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