How Does Your Garden Grow?

Started by Diane Amberg, July 27, 2007, 12:20:42 PM

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If I lived on the other side of the street, they wouldn't be my roses.  What a quandary.  Own the roses or be able to see them.

Roma Jean Turner

What beautiful roses.  I had one little struggling rose bush here when I moved to this place several years ago and I have never been able to get it to grow.  Your pictures have inspired me to get some rose bushes.


Wilma -

Don't you get the birdbath, though?

That's better than roses, isn't it?

(Or at least just as good!)

:D   :D   :D


It might be better than roses if there weren't so much other water around.  The little birds haven't had to look for a drink or bath for two weeks now.


Roma Jean!  Where have you been!?  Or maybe I've not been reading the right threads and you've been here all along.  Glad to see your face again!

My garden is piddly so far this year.  My homegrown seeds didn't fare so well.  I have a couple tomato plants, but they're still very spindly.  Same goes for my cucumber plants.  I did buy some pepper plants that seem to be doing well.  So, guess I'll have to break down and buy some more plants to fill in the rest of my boxes.  Better late than never?  I hope so!


;D Na Na Na Na Boo Boo ;D


Sorry!  That was rude  :o
I'm just showing off our first tomato.  I brought it in a little early because I just couldn't stand it any longer!  Our peppers are not producing too much yet, some look good but others got a little too much water, we think  ::)
We had some summer squash this week, and have had onions for quite a while.  We only got a few radishes before we decided they'd all gone too hot to eat and wiped them out.  I planted more this week, but don't know if they'll grow well this time of year.  The peas were a total failure, but I think I've heard others say their's didn't make it either.
We have a million blooms on the cantalope, and the watermelon vines look great but no blooms.  We also have a little bit of corn planted, but it was late so is still pretty short ~ as corn stalks go...  Our green beans, well some look good and some don't; not enough to make a good panful  yet though.  I planted more of them this week also. 
Indygal is spending lots of time over here weeding and Marty does all the tilling, so things are going pretty well.

Bonnie M.

Is it "real?"  Really makes me hungry!  Ours are coming on, but they're pretty slow.  We've picked one ripe one.


Nothing ripe here, but a blue jillion on the vines. I bought special thick sliced bacon; it;s in the freezer just waiting for the word!

I bought praying mantis egg cases off of Ebay last winter, and we have lots and lots of grampus babies all over the place. The tiny ones are so cute the way they turn their head to look at you.


Quote from: sixdogsmom on June 28, 2008, 07:50:19 PM

I bought praying mantis egg cases off of Ebay last winter, and we have lots and lots of grampus babies all over the place. The tiny ones are so cute the way they turn their head to look at you.

What? I mean I know what they are.. but Why?  What do they do and what are they used for ..and how do you know that they stay around your plants or garden or whatever...
I want to know this... so please explain.. and explain in detail and type very slowly.. Remember I'm a natural blond.  ;D
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