How Does Your Garden Grow?

Started by Diane Amberg, July 27, 2007, 12:20:42 PM

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Bonnie, have you tried Okra Patties. If you haven't have Myrna give you the recipe, they are my favorite way to eat okra.

Ole Granny

Love okra.  My mother made a tomato and okra dish sort of like breaded tomatoes.  Yummy!  Fried okra is best.  My Aunt Alice made a great pickled okra but now I don't need the sodium so do not do that very often.  I will try the okra patties.  Myrna did send the recipe but have not tried it yet.  Remember the gloves when picking okra.  Does itch!!  I add okra to my stew for thickening and flavor.  My kids or husband never knew I put it in the stew for years.  It cooks down to where you cannot see it. 
"Perhaps they are not the stars in the sky.
But rather openings where our loved ones,
Shine down to let us know they are happy."
Eskimo Legend


Wise lady! Don't tell everything like Barbara Walters! What was her point anyway?  ::)

Diane Amberg

Today was very nice, but breezy and a little chilly. I got my petunias in pots and hanging baskets and a Humming Bird red Salvia in a big deck pot just in time to have a hummingbird come visit it. They're b-a-a-ck! The catbirds came on Friday and the House Wren is checking out all the houses. The robin and the cardinal both have nests in a big front bush and the Carolina wren has a bunch of babies in my porch wall basket. It's a busy place! My wisteria is beautiful. I'll take photos tomorrow. The the lilacs and dogwoods are full out and the azaleas in the neighborhood are spectacular. My Carolina Sweet Shrub is out so my nose garden is complete. Tomorrow I'll tackle more weeds.

Bonnie M.

Diane, as we've said before, "Life is good!"


Does anyone have peas blooming yet?  Not the sugar snap peas, you know the ones that you eat pods and all, but the regular old fashioned peas.  Mine are at least 6 inches tall and not a sign of a bud. 


Well, I am really not to sure what type of peas that I planted but they have blooms on them.  I'll let you know how they do.
Love everyday like it's your last on earth!!


Mine are healthy, but not blooming yet.   I planted a bit after you did though...  We've got both kinds of peas in different places in the garden.  The Sugar Snap peas did come up faster & are bigger than the regular ones that were planted on the same day.

Clay came home from college this week and helped make a ton of "hills".  We're putting the corn, beans & vines together in hillls to see how it works this year.  We did remember to separate the canalope from the cucumber and watermelon this year.  Had some very strange cross pollination before ~ from getting them too close. :P


You know that saying, "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence"?  Well, it is true.  I have been sitting at my living room window, looking at my beautiful peonies that are blooming out by the alley.  On the other side of the alley, on my neighbor's property is a rose bush, also in bloom.  Now, which do you think is the prettiest?


Now, Wilma...I LOVE peonies. They are so full and beautiful. I'd much rather have a beatiful peonie bush in my yard rather than a rose bush. I've never really been a fan of roses....Call me crazy.

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