How Does Your Garden Grow?

Started by Diane Amberg, July 27, 2007, 12:20:42 PM

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Marty is out of luck if he waits for me to cook okra.  Never had and don't particularly like it.  Liked what a neighbor fixed one day but didn't get the recipe for it then and it is too late now.  I have peas up and the tendrils are curling.  Hope it isn't long to blooming and picking time.


I must be confused.  I thought you said you did like it.  Must have been someone else.  That's okay anyhow, he's lived without it this long.  Ha!


It was green peas that I was wanting so I just went ahead and planted some for myself.  I put them in the tubs that I will put geraniums in later so they are up where I can reach them.  Can't wait to pick and shell some.


Everyone in my house is crazy for fried okra!!

My green beans are coming up like crazy. They look so nice and healthy. Our tomatoes, peppers, beets, radishes, and okra are also coming up. They're going outside this weekend. They've been like my babies for the past few months. I talk to them every time I walk by. Since our dirt is pretty much clay up here, Billy decided to plant them in empty mineral tubs since he & his granpa have so darn many. I've still got more seeds to plant. I'll probably do it this evening. Sweet corn and so many more I can't remember. My lavender never did come up. Not sure what happened.


We love fried OKRA in beer batter or cornmeal batter and even better is Okra patties. The only thing I don't like about Okra is picking it.


Y'know I had never ate fried okra till I married Joe, pretty good stuff! Except for that itchy thing when ya pick it :P
Being Irish, he had an abiding sense of tragedy, which sustained him through temporary periods of joy.
William Butler Yeats

Bonnie M.

We love Okra, also.  However, I will have to admit that we buy it already prepared and frozen, since we live "out here."  I hated picking it, but we really liked eating it!  I don't like it "boiled," (slimy) but we like it "battered," and fried.


 :-\ know why Karmablvr never ate okra till she married Joe?  Because I DON'T LIKE OKRA AND I DON'T COOK OKRA, PERIOD.


I'm with you Flo.  Not sure my kids would know it if they saw it.  They never saw it at home ;D


Put me down in the "no okra" category as well. Don't cook it either.

Jim does, however, and most of the kids like it. Especially pickled okra.  :P

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