
Started by Judy Harder, July 25, 2007, 01:24:21 PM

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Judy Harder

Would one of you please tell us how Mr. Zimmerman is doing.
I have had several here in Longton ask me if I had heard, and I couldn't tell them.

As you know, I think just about everyone knows of Lloyd or knows him personally.
Just being a nosy neighbor......but what else do I have to do.

Janet do you know anything about the baby that got hurt in Longton? I think I heard she/he was home......but not seen any of family to ask.

How can I tell people how anyone is if they don't tell us/me....LOL......I heard today that Gossip is ok, as long as it isn't hurtful..........cavemen did it I was told.............think gossip has been around as long as language has been.....

Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


that's not gossip - that's called "sharing the news"


Sure is, Flo.  And that is what I want to hear.


Lloyd is home (with his family in the Wichita area). He's sore, but recovering.

People that want to send him get well cards are to mail them to Zimmerman Funeral Home here in Howard and the post office will do the proper forwarding.

Judy Harder

Quote from: Mom70x7 on July 25, 2007, 05:19:05 PM
Lloyd is home (with his family in the Wichita area). He's sore, but recovering.

People that want to send him get well cards are to mail them to Zimmerman Funeral Home here in Howard and the post office will do the proper forwarding.

Thats wonderful news.. I am glad he is home........I know his recovery will be slow.....but, will keep him in our prayers.
Thanks for responding.
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

MOM70X7 beat me to the news about Lloyd.  I do know that he is working on how he wants to build the new funeral home.  I also know he has been seeking bids for demolition of the burned funeral home.

Judy, as for the little girl that was in the accident, I do not know anything.  I did not recognize the name, so couldn't put a family with the name.  The man that was elected sheriff did not return Rudy's calls for a story and I did not see a story in any Independence paper after it happened.

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