Favorite Sound

Started by Ole Granny, July 22, 2007, 09:20:50 PM

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Diane Amberg

   That's Jake Brake....I'll match a Chevy 409 against our 800 gal. Seagrave diesel pumper starting up any day.


For those who are curious:


I'll try to find a sound file to add to this.

There is a typical jake brake sound at the end of this sound file, after all the yakking is over.

http://www.timesfreepress.com/MEDIA/audio/metro/2007/april/JakeBraking04 01.mp3


This isn't a favorite sound but it has a good story to it.  We had a 1964 Galaxie 500 that had dual mufflers.  I think that is what they were called.  They could roar if you wanted them to.  Janet drove this car quite often and this is what she told me.  She could roar those mufflers and challenge anyone and never have to prove it.  She also pretended to have lost a contact one day in class and had everybody looking for it when she didn't even wear glasses.

Rudy Taylor

Mercy Maude!  Janet, arrest this man. Nobody should get by with Jake Brakes like that!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


Egads, scofflaw!

Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

I had a friend in high school that had an old Volkswagon (that's the only kind of Volkswagon there was when I was in high school) that had a gas heater. If you worked it just right, you could make it backfire very loudly and shoot a flame out the side, underneath the car.

It was a riot at stop lights.


Judy Harder

I was hoping to hear the Jake Brakes, but my computer won't load up the address thingy, so I will wait till you can post a sound thingy.....Yep, I am not all that savvy with computer language.......it is all I can do to speak and spell English....
Really enjoying this thread............Judy
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!


I often refer to myself as mono-lingually challenged, Jane. That is why I have a lot of respect for people that can speak a lot of languages. I knew a Russian fellow once whose parents had been diplomats. He had lived all over the world as a child and spoke 9 languages fluently. He could even hold conversations in several of them at the same time. He just amazed me.

But, you know, you get something, you have to give something. I think the price he paid for all that language skill was his name, which was George Horni. His girlfriend would not marry him because she refused to be Tammy Horni. In the end, everything comes out even.


Diane Amberg

   Ya gots ta have HILLS to even need a Jake Brake. Around Howard? ha,ha

Judy Harder

Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 23, 2007, 06:32:16 PM
   Ya gots ta have HILLS to even need a Jake Brake. Around Howard? ha,ha
Thats where I hear them.. When the trucks are coming off the hill to Longton's east (It is called Zollar's I believe) and they have to slow down going through Longton........Ok, they are suppose to.......some don't seem to be able to read........(drivers, Janet, not trucks...LOL) I can just see her react to that phrasing...but, I still think the sound is sweet.
I enjoy going to auto shows and seeing the "old hoopies"
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

Janet Harrington

The sound of the announcer of the home football game and you are standing outside your home and can here him plain as day.  Especially if it is the first home game.  Something special to me about that.  I don't know why.  Maybe it's because it reminds me that the kids are growing.

I also like the sound of the marching band when they are practicing for a parade and are marching around a few streets in Howard.  We don't see much of that anymore.

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