Cute and Clever Pets

Started by Wilma, July 22, 2007, 08:11:54 AM

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Romaj..send me your pictures in an email.. original sizes and I will add them to your post.

Anyone else have pictures that they want added to their posts.. send them to me at teresalaptop@cascity,com I'll do it for you in a jiffy.  :-*
Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !


My cats like to get drippy drinks out of the sink faucet, too!  It  gets  kinda crowded sometimes! 


I am really enjoying hearing about everybody's pets and the things they do.  As Jimmy Durante used to say "I've got a million of'em".  One I had forgotten about and that could go under favorite sounds as well, is Bud purring.  Nothing special about a cat's purr?  There is about this one.  As most of you know by now, Bud was a very sick cat at one time.  He was only six months old at the time and I don't remember him purring before that time.  When he started getting better, I realized that he wasn't purring.  His mother purred when I held her, but nary a purr from him.  Then one day about a year ago, I felt a little rumble in his chest.  Hardly noticeable.  Then, soon there was another little rumble, then another, very light as first.  Now he can almost purr up a storm.  He doesn't purr very often so when he does it is very enjoyable to me.  It means that he is still recovering from whatever it was that almost killed him.  Some day maybe, he will be able to jump from the floor onto the table, not that I want him to start doing that, but it will mean that he has recovered more of his motor (whatever that word is).  He might even be able to get a drippy drink out of the sink faucet.

Give me some more stories.  They are better than the murder mysteries that I read.

Diane Amberg

Motor function. It sounds like that little guy had some brain damage from infection or something. His brain is slowly recovering and some cells are learning the jobs of damaged ones. I expect he will do very well. You must be very good to him.


I am very good to him and he is very good for me.


That's pretty much what the neurologist said about me, Diane, except for the "do very well" part. If I read this thread right, I can expect to be jumping from the floor onto the table any week now. My wife and daughter will be thrilled.


maybe, maybe not - we had a toy poodle, pick of the litter cause we allowed my sister-in-law's mama to stay with us while they moved and she proceeded to have her pups - anyhow Pepe Pierre LaPioux (Pierre for short) NEVER once barked and we had him 2 years.  Finally let Sherry (sister-in-law) take him cause her boys didn't have a pet.  She said Pierre was on the bed one night and a draft slammed the bedroom door shut and Pierre jumped up and started barking.  Then ran thru the house barking like he'd just learned a new trick.  I just figured up till then he didn't have anything to bark about and his barker wasn't broke after all.


My last Springer, the one before my weird dawg Tucker, was about four months old before he ever said anything. Then one day he was laying on the cool tile in the entry way, sound asleep, when somebody put an advertisement on the front door with a rubber band. Warden jumped up and barked twice, very loudly, then looked around wondering where that noise had come from.


Diane Amberg

 Hey Frawg... You know what they call Frawgs that can't jump?   LUNCH!
  Seriously, enjoy what you can to the fullest, and work with your doctors on the rest. My friend who has the ''slow" kind of MS, has days of total frustration when nothing on her seems to work, and other times when she is pretty good. She too uses crutches or her scooter. Do what you can, the rest is is small stuff. Adjust as you have to. Don't fight a scooter if the doctors think you need it. We've managed very well.     Our family dog, Murphy, knew how to comunicate pain. When we used to have to take ticks off him, he would take my left wrist in his mouth. He harder I pulled on a tick, the harder he bit down on me. He used to sleep in a big refridgerator box out in the barn. After he got to sleep, all the cats, as many as 13, would sneak in with him and snuggle up to him with their paws buried in his fur. Several times a night he would wake up and clean house, and cats would run in every direction. And go right back, as soon as he went back to sleep. 


That is excellent advice, Diane. I wish I knew what made one day good and the next day bad with stuff like this. I have tried to correlate diet, sleep, occurrences in the day, just about everything to the ups and downs and nothing seems to give any answers. So, yes, I just do what I can on any given day and try not to fight too hard. Otherwise a person would just go nuts.


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