Cute and Clever Pets

Started by Wilma, July 22, 2007, 08:11:54 AM

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He is five years old and still can't jump up onto the table.  Doesn't bother me.  I wouldn't allow him on the table anyway.


I had a girlfriend in San Francisco who had a great view of Kezar Stadium from her back bay window, and also had two cats, which is more to the point. The first was a striped Manx cat, who was an absolute nutball. He would run at full speed from room to room attacking things, including me. If you would flash the reflection of the sun off your watch onto the wall, Tiger would chase those reflections for hours. But he was not the odd one.

The little black and white cat was the odd one. She was the only clumsy cat I had ever known. She would get stuck walking across the carpet and you would have to go pry her little claws loose from the carpet loops. She would try to walk across the back of stuffed chairs and fall off. If you held her two or three feet above the bed and dropped her, she would always land on her back, or on one side, but never on her feet.

Yessir, that was one weird cat.

Come to think of it, the girlfriend was even weirder.


I once had a dog name tippy who would chase his tail all day long.  He was hit by a car and from they on he would just chase his tail, until one day he just dropped over dead, he must have gotten a little to dizzy, that's what my daddy told me anyways.
No act of kindness, no matter how small,
is ever wasted.

Diane Amberg

 Frawg, I thought for sure you were going to tell us you once had a girl friend in San Fran. who couldn't jump up on the table either. And a lazer pointer makes a great cat toy. Mine will chase that dot of light until he's exhausted.


I never knew that was common among cats. Tiger just went nuts trying to get that light and never seemed to get tired of it. At least now I know it wasn't just him.

We had a dog named Dotto (my little brother named him after a quiz show) when I was growing up that was weird about light, too. We had high, small windows on both sides of the living room fireplace in that house. My mother was big on keeping the drapes shut in that room, so it was always semi-dark. At certain times of day, the sunlight would come in around the edges of those windows and the motes of dust would dance in the sunlight. Depending on where they were exactly, Dotto would either crawl under them or jump over them.



I have a one-eyed cat---Miss Merce, who is really a male, but I have made her be a female.  She is in absolute love with my big black lab, Lucky.  I think she only sees half of Lucky.  Anyway, Miss Merce loves feet---especially toes.  She will dive for barefeet and flip over so she can land right on the big toe.  And it doesn't stop with human feet----she does the same to Lucky!!!  That's just the beginning of her wierdness. Next time I am out walking Lucky---look about 10 yards behind us, because Miss Merce goes too!  She keeps a bit of a distance and has crossed main street---but prefers not to go past the post office going east or Elk Street going south.  She loves to go north and has followed us past Superslab.  We have not checked out very far west of our house, so Wilma, I may head your direction next. 



And I think I'd be putting my shoes on when you see them coming, Wilma!



This doesn't really fit into the "cute" catagory, but I think is clever.  We had from birth till death a siamese cat that I think thought he was human.  Being born on Lewis' birthday, he was named King Louie, but called Louie, anyhow.... this cat never would eat anything but 9 Lives Liver&Chicken cat food.  It was kept in the bottom of the cabinets.  One day his dish was empty so he proceeded to the cabinet, opened the door with his paw, dragged the box out, tipped it over and began eating.  Thereafter even if there was food in his dish, he ate straight from the box.  One day I was at the sink and he jumped up on the divider between the sinks and got a drink of water out of the faucet.  Thereafter that is the only place he would drink.  I never once had to get Louie off the table or cabinets.  He never knew there might be food up there, I guess.  He would, however, hide under the bed and grab your leg as you got up in the morning.  We never worried about being gone a few days and leaving him in the house.  He had his litter box, we left the faucet dripping and he could get his own food when needed.  He was a wonderful and loving pet.  By the way, Sherri, he also loved to kill snakes.

Roma Jean Turner

  I have three dogs. Bingo, the 9 pound Dacshund/Chihuaua and who knows what mix, is my hunter.  He kills mice, snakes and birds on a regular basis.  I never let him in the house without making sure he isn't carrying something.  He is the reason I will never put in a 'doggie door'. 

Maya, 95 lb, 1//2 Lab 1/2 Chesapeake Bay Retreiver is our protector.  She sleeps on the glider on the front porch and patrols the fence.  I often look out the picture window in the middle of the night and she sitting up on the glider scanning the street.

The new baby, Chloe is a 6 month old Jack Russell.  I got her right before Memorial Day. She loves the water.  She jumps in the shower with me and stands at the back of the tub.  She jumps up in the bird bath and gets a drink, while the big dog stands next to it and drinks. She also jumps up on the piano bench with me and puts her paws on the keys. 

When the Jack Russell wants to play, someone better play.  It really is easier to just stop what one is doing and wear her out. If I ever have time to figure out how to downsize the pictures, I'll put some some of them on the site.  It is fun to hear about everyone's pets and life. 

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