Favorite Smell

Started by Janet Harrington, July 21, 2007, 01:32:09 PM

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hay, clean laundry, roses, almond oil, hot chocolate cake fresh from the oven, freshly baked bread.


Isn't it funny that favorite smells center around food so often?

Diane Amberg

   Speaking of chocolate cake, Hershey, PA and Lititz, PA always smell like yummy chocolate. When I was little, Mom would take us to Lititz antiquing, and at the edge of town, when your nose picked up that wonderful smell, it would almost carry you along.


The ads at the bottom must be tied in to the thread topics -

Right now there were four of them: Body Odor, Fishy Vaginal Smell, Does Your Breath Smell and Hydrogen Sulfide Removal.

On the "Favorite Sound" thread, the ads at the bottom are Having PC Sound Problems, Ringtones, Real Sounds for Ringtones and Picture Frames for Mom. Not sure where that last one comes in, but it's there!?   ;D   ;D   ;D

Must be something in the Kjell and Teresa set up the forum.

Diane Amberg

 Yes, I noticed that when I first joined. There must be key words that trip the ads to match the threads. Maybe if I say I have a headache it will trip something.


Yup. It's the way that Google Adsense ads work. They look at the content of the page, then serve ads that have someting to do with that page.

Clever, no?


Diane Amberg

I knew you would know.


There are entire days that pass before me during which I wonder if I know anything at all. In some ways, that is a good thing. Every time you get an answer, it comes with at least two new questions. If "stupid" is having the most unanswered questions, I hope to die the stupidest person of all time.



And your headache post got Medical Records and Obituaries ! ! !

Watch out! ! ! !  ;D   ;D   ;D

Judy Harder

I seem to notice old people smells.......I mean when I go into a house that is occupied by an older person who has lived in that home for a long time......the home takes on the past.
I love walking by an empty house and smelling the oldness of it.....yeah, I think it is mold and mildew and that kind of stuff......but, just think of the memories if that building could talk.
I live at the Longton Housing and must go past the old hotel when I head up to Post office and Cafe, etc and the scent just reaches out to me. Would love to know its history better.

Love yeasty anything.........to smell, to eat.  When I had finished my cancer therapy and (my cancer was of the mouth and neck area.....NO CANCER, NOW!!!) I lost my taste buds and saliva and really my appetite... I love pastry of anykind and would not leave a bakery without taking something home.
I use to go into WalMarts and head back to the bakery and open the door to the fresh baked rolls and sweet pastry and just stand there soaking up the memories.
OH, I did start eating again.......but taste is still off......but am getting where I can eat more things with flour and sugar stuff...You know the no flour, no sugar diet, well it does work........I went from a size 18 (could have been 20) to a size 8...........spent a life time dieting to lose.........took a dose of radiation and a few treatments of chemo to do it......But, I am keeping it off.

OH I know I went a different way than the thread......But, I am so proud to be "CANCER FREE"
Had to brag a bit......
Hugs and God bless
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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