Started by Sherri, July 20, 2007, 06:02:15 PM

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Rudy Taylor

Sherri, I think you made up the snake story just so you could start a new threat and get lots of attention. And you got it! And Frawg swooned! And Janet said ass. And Flo almost tinkled from laughing so hard.

Me?  I would have died on the spot.  I'm afraid of snakes and scorpions.

But I'm impressed that your dog was so smart! Throw him a steak!
It truly is "a wonderful life."


hahahahahaha...oh frawg leg...swoon indeed. I have not had a man swoon for me or my pies for a long time.  Curt told me last night that my peach pie was county fair grand champion.  He was one of the best pies I have made but then he said that he has never eaten a bad pie or anything else that I have made.  hahahahaha....The homemade ice cream was topped on the pieces of pie and it was a hit. 

I don't ever kill a snake that is in the pasture or away from the house but when they are right at my door or in the garage they are dead...I can't have them that close and take the chance on Brody or us getting bit, even though they are not poison.  No sirreee that is to close for me.

Diane Amberg

 That is a bit close. Not too long ago, a little harmless garter snake got in through our basement door. It was all curled up in a cardboard box, minding his own business when I picked up the box and opened it. I don't know which of us was more startled. That box was out the door faster than you could say "snake."
  Your story is much, much better.


Frank, I'm going to have to come up and interview you about your years working for the Dentons, do you ever get down to Austin?  Your story helped me put a couple of things together. . .Hmm. No wonder GVD was not so thrilled when DJD and CEC got together. It might have been about snakes.  Although I have other theories as well.

Do I dare tell the story about the shed snake skin Mom and Joe found behind Gladys' refrigerator? Oops, I guess I just did. 

How could I get Fudge Monkey wrong?  The worst of it was, by the time I was ready to hit Toot's tonight, Dad had had enough and was ready to hit the road back to our hotel in Winfield. BOO HOO for me, I did not get a Fudge Monkey, any of Louise's pie etc.

I did however have a great visit with The Bob Winns and Pat Allen and was able to place flowers at Grandmas Opal and Gladys' graves.  This "Chunky Monkey" will just have to imagine how wonderful it would have been to eat a "Fudge Monkey."
Check out my family history Website

Jo McDonald

In 1976 we remodeled our home - the one that Dan and Teri and Asley bought from us.  Fred and I had a huge black snake in the basement - not that we PUT her there - just came and made herself at home.  I know it was a female as I would go down the steps after she had her babies and there would be two or three of them at the bottom step -- I would take them out and put them in the honeysuckle on the north side of the yard.
I am getting away from my story ---
we had Tindles crew doing the remodeling on the house - I had my beauty salon out in the north side of the garage, and I was doing a lady's hair and through the front window I saw one of the men run to the garage - he opened the salon door and said " Jo  don't come in the house just now -- everything will be alright"  and he grabbed the axe and started back to the house.  I went flying out the door and yelled -- What are you doing with that axe??? He said there is a snake in the basement - I screamed DO NOT KILL THAT SNAKE  That is my snake ...those guys thought they were working for a crazy woman.
After I told them the reason I had the snake was for rodent and insect prevention -- they just shook their heads - put the axe away and very warily went about the business of working again.  But they did not let me forget that they thought I was pretty looney tunes.


Kevin, one never knew what new idea Guy M. was going to come up with. One of the most memorable was when he told me to go to the Dean place and get a load of Prairie Hay and we were going to load it in a cattle car setting on the railroad siding at Howard. Then we were going to the Kilpatrick place and get I think it was three of the horses running in the pasture down there and load them in the Cattle car with the hay and ship Horses and Hay to your family in California, and that we did.

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